The recent terrorist events in Mumbai had a profound effect on the Israelis. Now that the details are revealed, the story of a young Rabbi and his wife that ran a local Jewish center is tragic. They volunteered to run a student center called the Chabad House in Mumbai which provided assistance to Jewish tourists and worked to help the poor in India. This young couple was in their late 20's and had a toddler son who thanks to an Indian nanny was pulled aside and rescued from being executed. His young parents were not so lucky. An autopsy revealed that the Rabbi and his wife were violently tortured before they were executed with a gun shot to the head. Four other Jews were killed the same way during that siege. The coroner that performed the autopsy said that he had never seen violence like that against a human being before, and never wants to even think about it again.
Jewish communities around the world are in shock and angry. And the Jews do not forget. The Mossad (Israel's CIA) is acknowledged to be the most competent intelligence agency in the world and anyone connected with this terrorist attack should consider updating their Last Will and Testament.
As a global political addict, and someone who has spent time in Israel, and for years conducted business with the Israelis, I have always been interested in the politics of the Middle East, especially since in many ways it is the root of Islamic extremism. Many conflicts involving radical Muslims lead back to Israel and the Palestinians. Starting with Jimmy Carter every President has cajoled, negotiated, shook hands, visited the holy land, signed agreements, and 30 years later here we are with zero progress - the Palestinians still hate the Israelis and vice verse.

But Israeli politics are different from ours, and she had to put together a majority coalition of other political parties in order to take charge, and she could not do that. Many "hard liners" are opposed to any concessions with the Palestinians, so new elections must be held in February, 2009. As a result, Obama does not even know who he will be dealing with as the Prime Minister of Israel. It appears to be a tossup as to who will be elected to the top spot in Israel next year. It could Livni and if so, we could see real progress towards peace in the Middle East for the first time in a half century. She will be fighting a "hard line" network in Israel and a "hard line" culture with Muslims who do not believe women are capable of anything.
Like Sarah Palin, Tzipi Livni could be a leader of the future. Who knows, maybe the women of this world can straighten things out - we men certainly do not have a very good track record.