Thursday, January 22, 2009


Any good manager will tell you that when there are serious problems, you work on the most important ones first and forget about everything else.

Obama's first executive orders included closing the Guantanamo prison in Cuba, bringing the terrorists to the USA for trials, and eliminating all harsh interrogation techniques. I'm sure terrorists around the world are running around like Munchkins singing "Ding dong the witch is dead".

And then last Friday evening during the 'slow news cycle' he quietly reinstates an executive order which provides for the USA to fund overseas "Family Planning Services" which we all know is code for supplying contraception and abortions around the world. It is estimated this will cost our country $400-500 million/year. Whether you are Pro Choice or Pro Life does the Obama administration remember this country is BROKE!

Our economy is in shambles, we are in debt over our heads, millions are out of work, we are involved in two wars, terrorism continues to loom it's ugly head, and Obama's first priorities are to lighten up on terrorists and lead the charge on international population control.

Good work Mr. President, we are pleased to see you and your administration have your priorities in order.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our "no class" society

The inauguration today was impressive as it usually is. This country knows how to show the world that our democracy can change power in a very civil and impressive way. I did not vote for Obama but he is now my President and I wish him the best.

But two things turned me off about our country today. Obviously the attendance at the inauguration was mostly liberal folks; after all it is their victory. During the introductions the crowd applauded the Clinton's, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and all the other Democratic they should...they won. But when first President George H. W. Bush and his wife were introduced, the crowd was quiet, and when President George W. Bush and his wife were introduced the crowd booed and some yelled obscenities. Whether you agree with his politics or not he was our President and should get the respect of his office. The reaction of the crowd shows the lack of "class" that many in our country have. I am a hard core Conservative who disliked Clinton and Carter with a passion, but I would NEVER boo a standing President. Whether you agree with our President or not they deserve our respect...another black eye for you Democrats.

And finally I must take exception to the Benediction especially the final paragraph:

"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right."

I am a 69 year old white man that has always "embraced what is right". So Reverend Lowery I take offense with your prayer and on the day of the inauguration of the first black President, which is supposed to bring us all together, you have by your words kept the racial divide in this country front and center.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"Hope and Change"

I don't know why I have had writers block the past few weeks, perhaps it's the holidays or maybe in my excitement anticipating the inauguration I just can't wait for the "hope and change" coming this year - along with lots to write about.

Here is what I am "hoping" for...

I am hoping that we pack up and leave Iraq and let the Sunni and Shiite Muslims get on with killing each other off. Maybe the Iranians can recruit another 70 thousand Shiite suicide bombers (in addition to those selected for war against Israel), and they can go after the Iraq Sunnis. The Iraqi Sunnis can then go to Saudi Arabia and recruit 70 thousand Sunni suicide bombers and they can all meet in Iraq and have one big self-sacrifice. Allah will have to work overtime to prepare the virgins - but can you imagine the fun those martyrs will have when they get to heaven?

I am hoping the Israelis and Palestinians will finally have peace with each other. But we must have patience; after all they have only had 50 years to work out their differences.

I am hoping Barack sends us all a BIG check to stimulate the economy. Don't worry about where the money will come from or how big the deficit will become. I have heard from a very reliable source that the US Mint has already doubled their order for ink next year in anticipation of the Obama administration. Who knows, someday Barack Obama's picture may be on the $100,000 dollar bill that you will use to put a down payment on your new car.

I am hoping for a 20,000 point stock market in 2009.

But even more important is the "change" we have to look forward to...

Even though Obama has filled his cabinet with more than 50% of Clinton "retreads", obviously they must have learned from their mistakes or the "messiah" would not have selected them. No more corruption or special interests. Forget about Illinois and Blago - Obama had no connection with those corrupt Chicago politics. After all, he has disassociated himself from Pastor Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. He has said his close relationship with convicted felon Tony Resko was a mistake, but assured us there was no wrong doing. He has said that his relationship with the terrorist Bill Ayers was just a distant "friendship" and that kicking off his campaign in Ayers house was not a big deal.

We need to give Obama a break - as he says "The days of old boy politics in Washington are over". Sure his staff dropped the ball in not finding out that Bill Richardson, his designate for Commerce Secretary was being investigated for corruption ("pay to play" - does that sound familiar).

And he is raising the CIA to a higher level installing Leon Panetta as Director - he promises no more harsh interrogations like those in the Bush administration conducted. We will now be a kinder gentler country and convince terrorists that they need to become good guys. No more Metallica playing 24 hours - they will get Lazy Boys, iced tea, and wind chimes. I am sure this gentle treatment will convince them to reject Islam and come over to our side.

If you have a business in these difficult times do not worry, the government will bail you out. Don't be a "capitalist slacker" and try to work your way through your problems...after all the government is there to help.

But the biggest change I look forward to is that finally I will have a government that will take care of me. I worked my butt off all my life and now a "messiah" has come along to tell me that "I do not have to work so hard, the government is there to help" - damn, and here I am retired. Those of you that are out there working for a living - how lucky you are - slack off, the government has arrived.

But if you have been on welfare all your life, what can I say - unfortunately you folks will not experience the exciting "changes" that the rest of us are looking forward to.

I can't wait.