Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kahlid the Martyr

The picture seen around the world - Kahlid Sheikh Mohammad was captured in Pakistan in 2003 after a global search for this mastermind of the 911 attacks. Mohammad was also the "terrorist" who cut off Danny Pearl's head and posted the video for the world to see.

After his capture Mohammad was taken to Guantanamo Prison (GitMo) and has been detained there ever since. According to the Obama administration he was "tortured"; this torture included sleep deprivation, threats of injury, and of course "water boarding". Even though this man was responsible for the deaths of 3000 Americans, many from the left have accused the Bush administration of human rights violations for his treatment. Obama's Attorney General is now even investigating our CIA to see if criminal charges might be in order for the agents who interrogated Mohammad.

For some reason when I see all of this concern for Mohammad, the image of those innocent Americans jumping off the twin towers comes to mind. Their only choice was to jump to their death, or burn to their death.

After the election Obama immediately announced the US will never "torture" again and he reiterated that this week in his speech to the United Nations. Ironically on the same day as Obama's speech, Mohammad wrote a letter to the military court in GitMo calling Obama a liar and stating that 911 was a "noble effort". In the letter he also sent his best wishes to Osama Bin Laden and Mula Omar, the leader of the Taliban.

Mohammad is acting as his own lawyer and will be representing himself in military court. He states that his desire is to be given a "swift death penalty" so in Allah's eyes he can be a martyr. If only we could accommodate. But like a mass murderer on Death Row here in the U.S., he will most likely still be alive 20 years from now while endless appeals are pursued in our "very fair' legal system.

Now that he is working as his own counsel he realizes that he must change his image. What jury would take sympathy on him if he entered court looking like the picture above? Even common criminals in the U.S. know that your image when you show up in court is very important - out with the "low rider jeans" and on with the suit and tie.

So as Mohammad gets ready to start his trial he has changed his image to look more like a citizen of the world - I'm sure when the jury sees the "new " Mohammad they will take pity on him, and who knows he might even convince Obama that he deserves a Presidential pardon because of all the "mistreatment" he has gone through at the hands of our CIA. After all what jury could convict someone with a face like this?

More broken promises

During his campaign Obama promised full "transparency" and told us that every proposed law would be put "on line" for 72 hours, for the public to read, before a vote. The administration has yet to do that on ANY proposed law.

As a Senate committee works feverishly this week on their version of a Health Care bill, the Republicans introduced an amendment today to post the proposed Senate bill on line for 72 hours, before the committee votes to send it to the Senate floor for final approval. The Democrats rejected the amendment.

This is what we are up against as our politicians try to ram laws down our throats without input from "the folks".

All I can say is yell and scream and write to your Senator and Congressperson, although so far the Democrats do not seem to be listening. They know that they have the power to push just about any law through.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Political Hypocrisy

In 2004 when John Kerry was running against George Bush for the presidency, Mitt Romney, a Republican, was governor of Massachusetts. At that time the law stated that if a Senator vacated his seat, the Governor would appoint a Senator to serve out the remaining term. This is the law in almost every other state in the country.

Because John Kerry was a Massachusetts Senator running against Bush, the Democrats led by Teddy Kennedy were afraid that if Kerry won the presidency and vacated his Senate seat, Governor Romney would appoint a Republican to the U.S. Senate. So Kennedy convinced the Massachusetts democratically controlled House and Senate to change the law and require a "special election" to fill Kerry's vacant seat, knowing that the overwhelming democratic majority in the state would elect a Democrat. Kerry lost the election so the law change did not matter at that time.

After Teddy Kennedy died a few weeks ago; according to this law a special election for his vacated Senate seat was scheduled for January. But the White House balked, afraid they might lose their 60 vote "filibuster proof" majority in the Senate until then. Since there is now a Democratic Governor in Massachusetts, the Obama administration has pressured them to "go back" to the old law which would let the governor appoint a Senator to serve until the 2010 elections. With huge majorities in the Massachusetts House and Senate they voted today to change the law back to the way it was, insuring that the Governor will appoint a Democratic replacement for Kennedy next week.

This is the height of hypocrisy, so is no wonder that in a poll that came out today 66% of the American people are angry and have lost confidence in our politicians - both Democrats and Republicans.

What happened to the days when the people had a voice in this country? 2010 could be one of the most important elections in this country's history.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Roasting Acorns"

There is an old saying; "Sooner or later even a blind squirrel finds an acorn".

This story is almost too good to be true. Two twenty year old kids with a Handycam could cause the downfall of Acorn, a multi-million dollar corrupt liberal organization. Over the past several years many Acorn employees have been convicted of voter fraud and there have been Acorn voter registration fraud indictments in more than fifteen states. But these video tapes taken by these kids all over the country showing Acorn employees literally advising them how to commit fraud could be the nail in Acorn's coffin.

All the while our main stream "Ivy League educated" media stand by and look like they haven't even graduated from journalism school as the story is broken by two young students. Why? Because the main stream media did not want to investigate Acorn - they are Obama's former employer. Charlie Gibson the news anchor jerk that looked down his nose glasses while he interviewed Sara Palin said this week in a radio interview that he had not heard about the Acorn story, even though it was the biggest story of the week. He is either an idiot or he did "not want to report" the story. You make the call.

Obama is a former Acorn lawyer and trainer, but of course like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers "he is no longer associated with them". Come on America wise up. Every piece of the puzzle keeps falling into place. I said in a recent blog I wonder how Obama ever got elected - the corrupt Acorn voter registration organization might have been a factor.

The House and the Senate have voted to stop funding Acorn and they have also been removed from participating in the 2010 Census. It will be interesting to see if Obama actually signs the bill ending their funding or if the administration will do a "dance" and somehow keep Acorn in business.

Now the CIA are the "Terrorists"

The Obama Administration, specifically Attorney General Eric Holder, has appointed a special prosecutor to "review" allegations that terror suspects were abused at the hands of their CIA interrogators and possibly charge those interrogators with criminal behavior. Several details of the so-called "abuse" have already been reported, such as the alleged use of mock executions and other tactics to scare detainees.

The report said interrogators threatened Abdal-Nashiri, the alleged planner of the 2000 USS Cole bombing, by holding a power drill and handgun to his head. The Cole bombing killed 17 US sailors. The report also said they staged fake executions by having CIA officers and guards scream and yell in an adjacent cell and then leading the detainee past a hooded, motionless guard -- who was lying on the floor and made to look like he had been shot. And of course we have heard for months about the "water boarding" of several of the detained terrorists including Khalid Shaikh Mohammad mastermind of the 911 attacks.

Now let me addition to masterminding the 911 attacks, this is the same Khalid Shaikh Mohammad who cut Daniel Pearl's head off and proudly posted the video tape for the world to see. Am I missing something here? I wonder if the majority of Americans believe these terrorists were "abused".

The more I see of this administration actions, the more I wonder how they were ever elected. If Holder moves forward and actually presses criminal charges against these CIA interrogators, I believe you will see a revolt even larger than the rebellion against Obama's Health Care proposal.

And yes, this is the same Attorney General Eric Holder who dropped all charges against the members of the New Black Panther Party that were threatening people with billy clubs at polling stations during the last election.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The greatest job in the world"

Think about it...the greatest job in the world is to be an incompetent Democratic Politician who is black.

We all have jobs and our performance in those jobs usually determines the future of our career. If we do not perform, we lose our job...unless we have a fallback position...the "race card". Many black politicians are in a no lose situation; if they do not perform their jobs, they are not necessarily in trouble with their constituents, they have an option; "People are against me because I am black". They can pull the race card from the bottom of the deck anytime and move it to the top.

I don't mean this to be a blanket condemnation; there are many good public servants on both sides of the aisle both black and white. But it is sickening to see the race card played again and again.

More than half of Americans are against Obama's health care plan and these Americans have valid concerns that have nothing to do with race. But starting with our former President Jimmy Carter the race card is now being played big time:

Former President Jimmy Carter: "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president Obama is because he is a black man". Carter fails to mention that 53% of the electorate voted for Obama.

Representative Hank Johnson, Georgia: "I guess we'll probably have folks putting on white hoods and white robes again and riding through the countryside intimidating people".

Gov. David Paterson, New York: "I and other black politicians are being judged by the color of our skin".

Rep. Dianne Watson, Los Angeles: "They are spreading fear and trying to see that the first President that looks like me fails".

Rep. Charles Rangle, New York: "Some Americans have not gotten over the fact that Obama is President. They go to sleep wondering 'How did this happen?'". Charlie Rangle is under investigation for tax evasion, failure to report millions in assets, and a half dozen other ethics complaints. 'But of course he is black and that is why people are after him'.

Maureen Dowd, New York Times: "What Rep. Joe Wilson meant to say was 'You lie boy!'".

These comments drive me crazy. If you disagree with a black politician you are a racist. I have never been a racist, but here goes:

"Barack Obama is an incompetent President that is not up to the job. He has never run a company, he has no business experience, he has nationalized the auto industry, he has no foreign policy experience, he has created a national debt that will take generations to pay off, he is an admitted socialist, and he is taking this country toward some very serious problems that will affect every American".

There I've said it, and I am now officially a "bigot". If anyone reading this blog has access to a white hood and robe send them to me, I might as well play the part.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"You lie!"

These two words heard around the world on the Internet made Congressman Joe Wilson from South Carolina an instant "villain" of the left and an instant "hero" of the right. He admits that he just lost his cool during Obama's speech on Health Care to a joint session of Congress last week because of several statements made by the President that he knew were untrue.

Wilson immediately called the White House after the speech and apologized, and the President along with the Vice President accepted his apology. But that was not enough for the Democrats who admonished him today on the floor of the House along a mostly party line vote. The official resolution said that his outburst was "a breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House."

I won't defend Joe Wilson's comment and he was out of line by shouting at the President during his speech. But let's remember all the times President Bush was called a liar by the Democrats and the time Democratic Senator Dick Durbin compared our military to Pol Pot and the Russian Gulags from the Senate floor, yet no action was taken.

I am not going to call President Obama a liar, but whether you are a Republican or Democrat you know deep down that quite often he does not tell the truth as he tries to "sell" his agenda.

He said during his speech that his health care plan would not cover illegal aliens, but Joe Wilson served on two different House committees while amendments to require "proof of citizenship" as part of the plan were rejected.

On abortion - whether you are "pro choice" or "pro life" it is a fact that several amendments introduced in the House to prohibit federal funding of abortion were defeated. Yet Obama promised during his speech the bill would not cover federally funded abortions.

During his speech Obama said his health care plan would not raise the deficit by a nickel, while the Independent Office of Management and Budget projects the House bill as proposed would raise it by more than a trillion dollars.

There were many more inconsistencies in Obama's speech about health care and I guess Joe Wilson just "lost it" when he heard one too many false promises.

I have never seen a President that has made so many speeches - he is on television every day because he is pushing hard to ram his agenda down America's throat. He is a wonderful speaker but I wonder if the public is starting to get "Obama fatigue"? If the poll numbers are correct he has lost the trust of millions of Americans, including many Independents, who just do not believe him anymore.

Obama is a charismatic and vocally talented "salesman" for his policies, but the more I hear him speak, the more the term "snake oil" comes to mind.