Monday, September 20, 2010

Socialism on the March

How would you like it if instead of giving you your paycheck, your employer sent it to the government who then would decide how much tax was to be taken out, and then wired the balance to your bank account? "The government would never try something like that", you say?

Well maybe not yet, but that is just what has recently been proposed in Great Britain. Instead of employers deducting income tax then paying net salaries to employees, the gross monthly payment would go to Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs "tax calculator”, which would then pass the net salary to the worker's bank account.

The reform would mean the end of traditional monthly pay slips, because employers would no longer be able to tell workers how much tax they had paid each month. This would be called the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system.

It sounds crazy, but is being seriously considered in Britain because the British government says "There are too many errors in the system and we need more direct control of taxes". Do you think there might be a chance that the government themselves are making most of the errors? So of course the "socialist's" answer is to give the government more power?

I can't believe this proposal will ever become law, but just the fact that it has been proposed makes us Conservatives want to run for the hills. Liberals want power over our lives; it's as simple as that, because without control they have no ideas that will fly with the American people.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We are still dumping tea in the harbor

The Boston Tea Party was an action by colonists against the British government when as a result of over taxation they boarded British ships and destroyed the British shipments of tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The incident remains an iconic event in American history and other political protests often refer to it.

The liberal left (especially the media) made fun of the present "Tea Party" movement when it first started. They accused the movement of being composed of radicals, racists, religious fanatics, homophobes, etc....and wrote them off as just a bunch of "kooks". But then Tea Party candidates started winning elections and the movement became more than just a few people "dumping tea in the harbor". Glenn Beck had a non-violent "rally" in Washington and the media played it down as about 50,000 "right wingers" - it has been proven by photographic evidence that there were 300-500,000 people at that "rally" and as much as they tried, the liberal media could not come up with one incident to demonize those right wingers.

In recent primaries many inexperienced and unknown Tea Party candidates have won elections against the "elites" in the Republican party, to the shock of the "machine". I contend this election is different than any in my lifetime - people are pissed. They DO want so-called conservative "extremists" to go to Washington and stop the madness.

Liberals are worried about their future, but so are Conservatives; what is different is that conservative voters are not just worried about their future; they are worried about their kids and their grand kid's future.

The government is out of control and I believe we are ready for a group of conservative (even though inexperienced) legislators that are not part of the Washington machine, who will represent their constituents. Some of these recently elected Tea Party primary candidates may not win in November, but I believe conservatism will win in the long run. The media has made it a top priority to label us conservatives as "radicals" but in the long run it won't work. We are no different than those brave souls that dumped that tea in the harbor in 1773 and started a movement that resulted in the creation of the greatest country this world has ever known.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I am watching a television program depicting the events that happened on that tragic 9/11 day nine years ago, and I am angry. The program brings back vivid memories of planes crashing into the World Trade towers, people leaping to their death, followed by a plane crashing into the Pentagon, and then that last plane that went down into a Pennsylvania field thanks to the heroes on board. Had those patriotic Americans not brought that last plane down, what might the terrorists have crashed it into?

Nothing will ever change 9/11 and all the events that happened after that. And to many that day seems to be a distant memory. But as I reflect on that terrible period in our history, I am struck at how things have changed, and how "political correctness" seems to be destroying this country. The latest controversies over the mosque at ground zero and the "Quran burning" are classic examples of the hypocrisy of this country and especially of the Obama administration.

No one questions that both of these organizations have their "rights" under our constitution. The Muslims have the right to build a mosque and the so-called Christian pastor and his church have the right to burn the Quran if they wish (after all, people burn American flags all the time and liberals emphatically support their "constitutional right" to do so). But I believe building a mosque at the hallowed ground zero or burning the holy Quran in both cases are stupid and insensitive ideas.

But the liberal left including our President are in a quagmire. Obama supports the mosque but condemns the Quran burning. Yes, the Quran burning was a stupid idea, and under world-wide pressure that small church in Florida has decided against it. But building the mosque at ground zero knowing that more than 60% of Americans are against it is stupid also; and it is a slap in the face to all those families who lost loved ones on 9/11. But our President shows his true colors by supporting one and condemning the other.

We are accused of being "Islamaphobic" for being against this mosque. But as I watch the events of 9/11 again tonight and am reminded of that horrible day I have to wonder about Islam. During the past year we have had the Fort Hood killing of 14 Americans, we have had the Christmas bomber trying to blow up a plane full of Americans, we have had the Subway Bomber and the Times Square bomber planning to kill more innocent New Yorkers....and these were all Muslims planning to kill in the name of Allah. So are we "Islamaphobic"? How many terrorist attacks during recent history have been attempted by Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Shintos, or Atheists?

Monday, September 6, 2010

The "Elite" disconnection

In a recent article in Newsweek Fareed Zakaria one of the New York "elite" journalists stated that Al-Qaeda was significantly more incompetent than Americans believed in the aftermath of 9/11, and the result is a “national-security state” that threatens civil liberties. And he goes on to say that “Al Qaeda is simply not that deadly a threat.” and that the USA "overreacted" after 9/11.

I submit that Al Qaeda is not a deadly threat now because our "overreaction" kicked their ass after 9/11 by killing or capturing most of their leadership. We could have killed Bin Laden had not political correctness kept our troops from attacking his caravan as it was leaving Afghanistan.

This Newsweek article struck me as another example of how the political elite and journalistic elite have completely lost touch with the average American.

As we approach the anniversary of 9/11, everyone I know remembers that day vividly and I know the families of the people killed do not think Al Qaeda is an enemy to be ignored. I believe this "elite disconnection" with the average American will rear it's head in November when I hope the American people send a majority of our political elites packing... the ones that believe they know what is better for us, even when the voting majority is against almost everything Washington has done the past few years. We cannot do anything about the journalists, but if we kick out the liberal politicians they support, the journalists will be nothing but a bunch of op ed writers left out in the cold.

Is it no wonder that Newsweek was recently sold for $1 because of low circulation and massive debt. The American people do not believe all the BS spewed out by the main stream liberal media anymore.