Friday, August 26, 2016

"Bottom Feeders"

Everyone predicted this would be a nasty campaign between Clinton and Trump and here we are before Labor Day and the campaigns have already moved down into the sewer with false comments and accusations that have nothing to do with programs or policies that might convince Americans to vote for them.

Trump calls Hillary a 'bigot' because of the Democratic party's treatment of minorities (especially blacks), by essentially "keeping them on the plantation' and dependent on the democratic entitlement policies. Hillary accuses Trump of being a 'racist', even putting out a video with a Ku Klux Clan member saying he supports Donald Trump and by insinuation labeling all Republicans as 'racists'; if Trump could get a communist to say he supports Hillary, would that make her and all Democrats 'communists'?  It's political bottom feeding at its worse.

It's disgusting on both sides:

From day-to-day it is hard to tell what Trump's policies are and they keep changing.  He makes a good speech then falls on his sword the next day and makes a completely stupid comment. I'm sure his handlers are frustrated because how do you make the 'Tasmanian Devil' a boring, disciplined politician like Hillary. But I don't think his passionate supporters will change their opinion of him.

And from day-to-day more and more information and emails keep coming out further showing what a corrupt politician and liar Hillary Clinton is (and has been). I am sure the Clinton campaign is in a frantic attack mode to do whatever they can to deflect the daily 'email' news away from all this corruption and towards the Trump campaign. But I also don't think her passionate supporters will change their position, and a complicit liberal main stream media has been highly effective in protecting her from close scrutiny while demonizing Donald Trump.

If this election were not so serious it would be funny to watch, but unfortunately it has turned in to a reality show and I am embarrassed to be a serious American voter. How the hell did we ever wind up with these two losers?

Having called them both 'losers', I believe that no intelligent person could vote for Hillary Clinton, who is indisputably the most corrupt and dishonest person we have ever considered as a presidential candidate. But...I guess you could say no intelligent person could vote for Donald Trump. Someone said recently voting in this election is like trying to decide whether to cut off your left or right arm.

But here is how I look at it - there is a chance Trump could be a good president, a chance he could be an average president, a chance he could be a mediocre president, and a chance he could be a bad president. But I believe he would appoint conservative or moderate Supreme Court judges and at least keep the Court in balance.

I believe there is a 100% chance Hillary Clinton will be a bad, corrupt President who cares about nothing but herself and not the American people. It is fitting that she wants to follow in Obama's footsteps who has been the same kind of President. But more importantly, she will appoint far left Supreme Court judges that could change this into another socialist country, which we might never recover from.

Maybe Julian Assange of Wikileaks will drop a 'Hillary bombshell' in November and solve the problem for all of us.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Truth - sooner or later"

Someone once said that sooner or later no matter how much effort is put into covering the truth it always rises to the surface.

This election campaign is becoming more fun as we go along.  By all rights, after all of Trump's stupid comments and the fact that the media gives him 95% of the negative attention, Hillary Clinton should be running away with this election. I read today that after Trump's comment about gun rights last night, today's media devoted 15 times more negative reporting compared to Hillary. And this is after Judicial Watch was able to secure more emails exposing the 'pay to play' Clinton crime family operation. And yet the liberal media hardly covered it.

Today Julian Assange of Wikileaks in an interview with Netherlands TV 'hinted' that Seth Rich the DNC staffer murdered last month in DC might have been one of his sources. He did not say he thought Seth was murdered because he WAS a source, but said "Some sources take great risks".  Rich was shot twice in the back and his murder was listed as a 'possible burglary' although his wallet and cell phone were not taken.  Hmm...shades of Vince Foster.

Hillary's campaign has said that all these recent 'pay to play' emails released were between her staffers and Clinton Foundation staffers and she was not involved....right. These slimy Clintons keep denying, denying but sooner or later the truth will come out.

Why would Hillary wipe her server clean of 33,000 so-called personal emails? Why not just delete them like we all do, even knowing they still stay in memory. Ask yourself that question.  She says they were all personal; organizing Chelsea's wedding; scheduling her Yoga classes, etc. I can see where a lot of the emails had to do with such a magnificent wedding, after all it was the King and Queen of American politics and the wedding of their Princess Chelsea. And I guess you can spend a lot of time on email scheduling your Yoga classes, she certainly must have spent a lot of time on the internet trying to find XXL yoga pants. But ask yourself again, why wipe the server clean?...I think we all know why.

So strap in your seat belt this could be quite an election season. No one gives Trump a chance but what if Wikileaks or some other hacker releases some or all of those 33,000 emails and exposes the truth? How exciting this election could become. But don't count on the main stream liberal media, they are in the tank and will do whatever they can to cover the truth about Hillary. But truth sooner or later...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"The Folks v the Establishment"

This is a historic election in many ways. I cannot remember a time when the Democrats, the sitting President, the liberal main stream media, and the Republican establishment have all teamed up against an outsider who broke through the system, beat 16 opponents during the Republican primary and now has the political and media establishment in full attack mode against him. Are they worried?

Donald trump brings a lot of this on himself. The Khan speech during the Democratic convention was a classic scripted presentation to bait Trump. The Khans were very believable, and how could you not sympathize with them losing their son in Iraq, a captain in the military and a bronze star hero. But unfortunately the heart breaking story they told during the convention turned into an attack on Trump by the father, which was obviously scripted; it was a classic Democratic tactic. And Trump took the bait. He should have praised the family, and then just said that he didn't think their comments about him were fair.

During the Republican convention the mother of one of the CIA agents killed in Benghazi told the story about Hillary lying to her. The father of another agent killed during the attack confirmed it during later press interviews; he even had notes made on the spot proving that Hillary said "The attack was due to the video and we are going to put the man that made it in jail", this was after she had told her daughter and the president of Egypt it was a terrorist attack. The mother's speech got almost no attention from the media, while the Khan speech and Trumps response received 50 times the coverage. The message - Trump took the bait and the liberal media jumped. Hillary was smart by only saying; "The mother and father of the slain Benghazi heroes get my full sympathy, but they just misunderstood what I said", a complete lie, but the media bought it and the story was buried.

What makes this election historic is how Trump might possibly win with these 'headwinds' from every corner of the political and media establishment. When our President gets up in a nationally televised press conference with a foreign leader, and tells the Republican establishment not to support Donald Trump, that is unprecedented for a sitting chief executive, but it is not surprising coming from a despicable, classless, narcissist who cares about nothing but protecting his legacy because he knows Trump might destroy it.

No one really gives this outsider Trump a chance, but if somehow he does win, it will be a remarkable victory for the 'folks' and a finger in the eye of the establishment across the board, and could result in profound changes in our political system and media coverage. If he does not win, he will just become a blip in history along with Bernie Sanders and proof that Washington really does control all aspects of the political and media establishment in this country.