Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goodbye "Goldie"

I love California because we are such a progressive state and have always been in the "lead". We lead with the highest gas prices in the country, we are 12% of the population of the USA but lead with 32% of the welfare cases, we lead with the largest debt of any state in the country, and being an environmental leader we are banning plastic bags in most metropolitan areas. Is this a great state or what?

Recently, San Fransisco the most progressive city in our state is banning circumcision and has proposed banning the sale of goldfish because of the inhumane life they lead swimming in a little tank. I have to agree with this ban and am pleased that the politicians in that city are working on these serious problems.

Living in the country we know about inhumane treatment of goldfish and I am reminded of a blog I wrote many years ago so thought it appropriate to post it again:


Her name was "Lipstick."

Not that she wore a lot of make-up; to my knowledge she didn’t wear any. She wasn’t beautiful, but she had that look that makes females attractive. Large eyes, some would say too far apart, but they always seemed to be wide open and full of life. Her large beautiful lips glowed a golden color in the sun, and that’s how she got her name.

Lipstick became part of our family last year and has been a constant companion ever since. Joining me for my morning coffee most days, her body moved with the grace of a bird, gliding with effortless motion as we both relaxed in the morning sun.

She could have spent her life in the city, safely enclosed behind four glass walls, but chose instead the country, surrounded by the sounds of birds and waterfalls.

But Lipstick is gone. A victim of nature’s cruel cycle of life, after becoming a midnight snack to a hungry raccoon. She is now in that great goldfish pond in the sky, swimming to her heart’s content for all eternity.

These are the harsh realities of living in the country, surrounded by wild turkeys and Indian casinos. But it was our choice to move here, and as we forge out a life in this untamed wilderness, we will think of Lipstick often, and keep a vigilant watch for the wily raccoon who is most likely planning his next raid on our goldfish pond.