I guess you cannot have a Blog without talking about global warming, it certainly is a popular subject these days (excuse me, I need to turn the heater up...we are going through a record cold spell here on the Central Coast of California). And as you can see this Nuclear Sub sure wishes it could get through this darn ice.
O.K. where was I...
My son is frustrated because even with my physics and engineering background, I am skeptical about global warming. Not skeptical about the planet warming (after all we do have thermometers), but skeptical that it is "man-made". But how can you not believe in global warming? The Academy Awards this past weekend gave "Fat Albert" Gore an Oscar for his so- called documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth", so it must be a real phenomenon...right? I thought it was hilarious that they announced the Oscars had gone "green", as all the stars arrived in their 5 mpg stretch limos and will probably fly home in their private jets.
Anyway back to the serious subject of global warming...
Here are some observations:
1/ The earth warmed by 0.7 degrees C (1.2 degrees F) during the 20th century.
2/ CO2 levels have risen the past century (although there have been warming periods in the past when CO2 levels went down...but let's forget that for now).
Do you see where I am going with this? I don't know...and I wonder if the "experts" really do. Over 2000 scientists have come to a "consensus" that global warming is serious and it is caused by man. Many of these scientists rely on financial grants for continuing research. There are hundreds of thousands of other scientists and engineers in the world. I wonder what their opinions are?
So, I will remain in the minority arguing against this "environmental/political" issue that will not be resolved for years....maybe not in our lifetime. In the meantime, during this very cold winter...keep "warm" out there.
If we take steps to reduce greenhouse gases but it turns out that global warming is not "man made," then no harm done. If we take no action and it turns out that global warming IS man-made, then what? Buy beachfront property in Nevada? Say "sorry, I thought it was a hypothesis" to the survivors of millions who perished as a direct/indirect result? Hmmm... I see nothing wrong with taking appropriate action without waiting to find out whether or not global warming is "man made."
Do you realize the billions (maybe trillions) of dollars it would cost to make even a miniscule change in temperature caused by so-called "man-made" greenhouse gases? Possibly putting many parts of the world into a recession? I would not classify this as "appropriate action". I would classify it as "foolish action" until we can prove it is a man-made phenomenon, and the world really is in a "crisis".
I like to visit weather.com and check out current temperatures and forecasts for various U.S. cities and others worldwide. They have a section with averages and record high and low temperatures. Most (or all) cities I research have had their record highs in the 1970's, 60's, 40's, and some in the 1990's. I thought "global warming" was a problem of the 21st century? This winter I have had to wear a jacket practically every day, which is almost unheard of in San Diego.
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