Monday, May 14, 2012

"Boring and competent"

Now that Mitt Romney is apparently our nominee, most of my Republican/Conservative friends and family members make the same comment: "He is not my choice but I will vote for anyone over Obama". We characterize Romney as boring, no sense of humor, he's rich and doesn't relate, not conservative enough, he's a Mormon, etc.  But I have never heard anyone refer to him as "incompetent" or "not qualified to be president".

On the other hand, we have had almost four years of the "razzle dazzle".  Obama is charismatic, he has an attractive first lady and the White House is a constant stream of parties; celebrity visitors like the Rolling Stones and Opra; and the Obama's can be seen on one talk show visit after another. Obama even sings almost as good as Al Green. He is also the most prolific fundraiser in history. But on the other hand, the comment I  hear the most about his ability as our president is: "incompetent".

So, what do we want, a competent but boring president that may turn out to be a good "manager", and one that might get this country back on track again, or do we want more of the "razzle dazzle" while the "USA Titanic" is sinking.

I have no idea if Romney would be a good president or just another politician that would settle into the Washington bullshit and continue to take us down the same road...but at least we know where Obama and his minions are taking us, and it is a dangerous direction.

The Democrats are good - the federal debt is now $16 trillion, 25 million of our citizens are out of work with many more "underemployed", Europe is going bankrupt, the Mid-East is about to explode and thanks to the complicit liberal media, all we are talking about is Romney playing pranks in high school, and gay marriage. My head is sometimes ready to explode when I see the average American more interested in the "razzle dazzle" than trying to keep the USA Titanic from sinking.   

I'll gamble on "boring and competent".


Michael Strickland said...

George W. Bush also seemed competent. 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Incompetent - that is being kind to the President.

Chuckie D said...

Mike - I agree, but Bush is history and we are down to the choice of two options. Obama is not an option if we want the country to survive as we know it. And at least with Romney the "gamble" is that he might surprise us. At this point getting the Senate and keeping the House may be more important. Regardless of what anyone else says,I believe this is a "one issue" election - the national debt.

Anonymous said...

You may be right but I hope we do not take both houses as well should Romney win. A fully Republican Fed will rape the environment, strip all regulation from Gvt, infuse every decision with "God wants it this way", monetize every resource, reduce women and anyone that does not agree with them to second class status. Good Goverment in a complex society requires some level of conflict and discourse.

Chuckie D said...

Anonymous - you have bought into all the classic democratic talking points...and they get old and redundant at some point.

Scott Forward said...

I still think YOU should run.