Friday, September 21, 2012

"The Man with the Golden Voice"

I don't like Barack Obama.

I don't hate him, in fact from what I hear he is a very nice person, good husband, and father. But I don't like what he has done to this country. The economy is in ruins, the USA has become a debtor nation, almost 50% of our population is receiving government support of some kind, 23 million are unemployed or underemployed, the world is in chaos, and this country's citizens are more divided than any period in my lifetime.

These are very complex problems; Obama did inherit a crashing economy but he also proceeded to make it worse; the $16 trillion that has made us a "debtor nation" is the responsibility of both political parties but Obama "threw gasoline on the debt fire"; most of the unemployed or underemployed sincerely want to work - but there are no jobs; the chaos in the world is not due to a stupid video - it is due to stupid foreign policy by both political parties, and I cannot remember when we were so hated around the world. So with such a complex array of problems what is the solution?

This country needs a leader.

Is Romney that person?  I don't know, but Obama has proven he is not that person, so maybe we need to make a change. Clint Eastwood put it very well at the republican convention: "If he is not up to the job, we need to let him go".


Anonymous said...

Very well stated Chuck.....too bad we can't put Clint on the ticket. My battle cry for the Party is Huntsman in 2016.

Chuckie D said...

It will take a lot to convince me about Huntsman, but I have an open mind. He seems like just another rich RINO to me.

Michael Strickland said...

The Republican party has been hijacked by the social conservatives. The GOP won't get a candidate elected until they stop focusing so much on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, etc. and get back to the party's base: smaller government and liberty. Huntsman, maybe; my pick is Paul (the Younger - Rand), with Rubio as VP. Too bad we need to go through four more years of Obama to get there. But the GOP deserves it for putting forth such a ridiculously pathetic opponent to run against Obama.

Chuckie D said...

I have to agree Mike, but at this point we still need to vote for Romney (or rather "against" Obama). I am not a "doomsday" type and do not believe most of the polls out there. But Obama as the incumbent with a crooked Chicago political machine behind him, and with almost half the people in the country receiving some kind of government assistance, that's quite a headwind for Romney/Ryan. But I am a perennial optimist and worry more about you kid's future that ours.So you may still have to buy me that bottle of malt scotch. If I lose I'll be glad to supply the bottle, and we can use it to drown our sorrows.

Anonymous said...

At the risk of repeating myself, the Presidential race is a distraction this election. The Senate is the brass ring on this Merry-go-round.

Chuckie D said...

I agree to some extent John. At least with control of the Senate, if Obama is re-elected he would be forced to use his veto pen and democratic senators would have to vote on tough issues that are now not even being brought to the floor.

Anonymous said...

Write-in ticket is Eastwood/Strickland, or maybe Strickland-Eastwood. You two decide who gets the Oval Office and who gets to be pit bill for the Party.