This was the first real primary vote since Iowa was a Caucus. First some numbers - 526,090 New Hampshire voters voiced their opinion: 279,263 Republican and 246,827 Democrat. The Bern and the Trumpster came out as winners, and they now head south. Bernie took Hillary to the woodshed beating her by 22 points and it was embarrassing watching her and Bill on that stage during her concession speech spinning and smiling, almost like they had won...what a joke. And Bernie went on and on with his acceptance speech for 30 minutes spewing the same message of 'free everything' for people that vote for him and a continuous litany of how Wall Street and "rich" people are screwing the folks.
Trump won easily but against a large field with Kasich second, Cruz third, Bush fourth, and Rubio fifth. After disappointing results Christie and Fiorina dropped out today reducing the field before another debate Saturday. Dr. Carson with 2% of the vote has decided to hang in there and so has Jim Gilmore who had a grand total of 133 votes (I had no idea he had that many relatives in New Hampshire).
The amount of money spent on this primary was astounding. Bernie and Hillary continually rant about how money controls politics. Well let's see how money has controlled this primary. Bush spent an astounding $37 million in New Hampshire; $1200 per vote and came in fourth. Trump spent $40 per vote and won, and Cruz spent $18 per vote and came in third. So much for money controlling politics. People are angry and establishment candidates with all their money and support cannot break through with their same old message.
So everyone heads south and the primary season expands. Hillary says; "Don't worry the Black and Latino vote will carry us in future primaries". The DNC must be in a panic. Not only because Bernie thumped her in New Hampshire, but every day more comes out about her illegal email activities as Secretary of State. What if she is indicted? Some say Joe Biden will come in on a white horse to save the day or Bloomberg will jump in as an Independent. Poor Bernie the Rodney Dangerfield of this political season "can't get no respect", even from his own party. But Bernie is on the offensive, meeting with Al Sharpton this morning in Harlem hoping the Sharpster will come out and say to his followers: "Can't y'all feel the Bern"...I'm not so sure, but I have lost some respect for Bernie pandering to this race hustler.

Anyway, we will see what happens as we move forward. I have friends (a few) that believe Bernie is on a roll to the White House...we'll see. The guy isn't exactly a powerhouse legislator; after a quarter-century in Congress the Bern has been the chief sponsor of three bills that were signed into law: One that increased the annual cost-of-living raise for veterans’ benefits and two others renaming U.S. Postal Service offices in his home state of Vermont...quite an accomplishment in 25 years of political service. So pay attention Republicans, this guy they call 'The Bern' could be tough if he gets the nomination.
I'm beginning to lose faith in you Chuck. You are all commentary and criticism, but no solutions, commitments or predictions on WHO the Savior of the Republican Party, and all things Conservative, will be. Who are YOU supporting and WHY? Your comments exemplify why the Republican Party has fractured and imploded into itself. All it has to offer the voters is fringe candidates, doom and gloom, criticism of the opposition, and the same arm waving failed approach to managing the economy.
The next few months will tell if the Bern has the legs to reach the White House, but even you have to admit he's accomplished a lot in a very short time. As to big money in politics, it has to be scary for Republicans when they realize that the "average" donation to Bernies campaign has been a little over $27.00. That's a hell-a-va-lot of voters giving what they can afford. If they all show up at the polls, you may see another landslide in November.
Even though the Trumpster is ahead in the Republican Primary, it's only 35% to be number one right now. That other 65% is a big number, and my bet is that it forms up around someone other than "The Donald". Like you, I'm hopeful that Hillary will be charged, tried and convicted for at least one of the crimes she has been involved in over the past many years. A few years in a Federal prison should dampen her arrogance. It will surely end one of the most socially disgusting potential political dynasty's in American politics. Hopefully, Jeb will fade away as well and end the other one. The Bush Dynasty went from Good-to-laughable-to-an almost yawn with Jeb.
Anonymous - This Blog IS all commentary and criticism (usually in a humorous and sarcastic way). I have never purported to be a serious political pundit, just having fun. Don't let your shorts get in a knot.
Shorts in a knot......never happen, unless they get twisted while skiing next week in Taos. I'm just interested in knowing who you support and why. Could it be that the Republican selections are all so abysmally bad that you will not vote this year?
Scalia's death poses an interesting administrative question. Should Obama fill his duty and make an appointment to SCOTUS, or wait? Mitch McConnell and the boys seem to think otherwise. The comment that the President should leave this to his successor and let the American people speak with their vote is a bit odd. The People did speak when they elected Obama, and last I recall, his term is not ended. Where in the Constitution does it say that SCOTUS appointments should only be made in the first two or three years of a President's term? The other argument is that he doesn't have time to get a new Justice......nonsense, all Presidents have vetted at least one nominee for SCOTUS in anticipation of a vacancy. It was interesting the GW Bush came out and stated that the Preseident should make an appointment and the Senate was obligated to do their duty with a timely hearing and vote. Maybe GW does have a few good ideas after all. I wonder how his Dad feels.....Jeb doesn't seem to agree. In any case, the National discussion has changed from the bombastic, vulgar Republican sniping at each other, to something that has a long term material effect on the Nation.
Anonymous -Well first of all, the President doesn't 'make' an appointment to SCOTUS, he nominates a candidate and then the Senate confirms or rejects. It doesn't look like the Senate will take action before the next election and I agree with that. This is an appointment that will probably affect the court for as much as 30 years so the people should have the say in the next election. If the Demos win they get their guy and vice versa.
You ask who I support, haven't decided yet. Certainly not the Trumpster or the Socialist or the Criminal. context was correct and you knew what I meant. You haven't chosen yet......I'm amazed. I hope you aren't one of those political dilettantes that chooses based on "the moment". These guys are all well known, and they all have a clear record of public service.....or not, as the case may be. As to Trumpster, he is just a bombastic, ego driven ass, and a fringe candidate at best. You can't pick a candidate from the existing field by now......sounds like you are waiting to line up behind the Party choice........however, I don't believe that for a minute. You know who you prefer......come on "give him up", your Public awaits!
Reagan, Bush, and many others think the Government should do its duty and function as defined in the Constitution. If the President makes an appointment the Senate is bound to act, not obfuscate and delay.
Personally, I think they are fools not to act. They have leverage right now. Obama will likely propose a moderate. His legal history suggests that he favors a moderate. When the new Dem President takes office, possibly with a narrowly Dem Senate, I suspect the nominate will be a bit farther left. Do you think the Bern would appoint a moderate.......Hillary certainly would not.
I just looked up the precise terminology for appointing a Justice to the Supreme Court.
Article Two of the United States Constitution places the power of appointing Justices with the President of the United States, stating:
"he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law..."
That's exactly what I said...POTUS does not make an appointment,he nominates. But I'm sure you knew that :-)
Nighthawk - I do have a candidate in mind and will let you know when I decide. I actually liked Christie but he is gone. I feel sorry for you, what a choice you have! Two career politicians who have never experienced the real world of the people - one who will probably be indicted and a Marxist loon who has no chance of even winning the primary. If Hillary implodes I guarantee that the DNC will see that someone other than Bernie will be their candidate. Having said that, if I were a Democrat I would 'feel the Bern' rather than vote for a Clinton.
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