The results of the Tuesday primary have probably put the Republican 'establishment' in full panic mode. After Trump's sweep of every state but Ohio and Rubio dropping out after being 'trumped' in Florida, the establishment are hanging by their finger nails with John Kasich as their remaining 'Hail Mary Pass'. Watching Kasich's victory speech (of his only win), with the confetti raining down at the end it was as if he has just been elected President. I wonder if his campaign has ordered the Roman pillars for his acceptance speech. Let's be real - this is a two man race Trump v Cruz and Kasich is either delusional or the establishment is trying to pull off a "weekend at Bernie's" move keeping a dead man alive in the eyes of the voters.
With Hillary making a clean sweep the Democratic establishment must be pleased, and going to bed with visions of sugar plums in their heads. And ironically they have their own "weekend at Bernie's" play going on with a real Bernie and without a miracle he is a political dead man walking. Hillary was preordained by the establishment and with all the super delegates pledged to her, the primary was rigged in her favor from the beginning. What is interesting, exit polls show that 90% of the under 30 vote went to Bernie - not a good sign for Hillary.
Trump v Cruz is a classic battle of a Populist against a true Conservative....and the establishment dislikes (or maybe hates) both. Even talk today about a third party candidate run by the Republican establishment, sadly that would probably put Hillary in the White House.
We are Cruz supporters and are also 'anyone but Hillary' committed voters. We have had the opportunity of meeting and hearing Cruz's father speak about his life experiences, and my wife Peggy as President of the Paso Robles Republican Women's organization for a year had the opportunity to communicate on a regulator basis with Cruz's mother-in-law who lives in this area, and regardless of your political affiliation, from what we have seen they are a great family.
Having said that, Trump is a master at cheer leading, and that is important for a President. We have heard for eight years what a "bad ' country the USA is, and many people are responding to the "Make America Great again' and "We are going to win again" cliche's. Folks are sick of hearing the democratic mantras of : "Rich are bad people", "Police are Killers", "White people are privileged", "the USA is a bad force in the world"..... people are starved and they just want to hear something positive about their country.
So it will continue to be a very interesting political season right on up to, and maybe including a wild Republican convention. The Democrats will continue the same old socialist talking points. At least Bernie could make a case for that philosophy and did a good job doing it, but I believe the Clinton family with all their alleged criminal activities and politically derived wealth will have trouble selling the socialist program. And who knows, if Hillary is indicted, all bets are off and we could have turmoil on both sides. Should be fun for us political junkies.
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True that!
The Republican establishment is still dead set against nominating Trump as their candidate. The big question is why. Trump is not a seasoned Washington D.C. insider with experience in Congress. He has never served in any state as a governor or any other elected office. His is a very successful businessman working nationally and internationally. He is a wizard when it comes to business and finance. He knows that most of the major problems in our nation that are driving business to outsource their operations overseas is the phenomenally high business tax and the rules and regulations that are crushing business in our nation. Trump knows why Caterpillar and Ford are moving to Mexico. He knows why General Electric closed their huge MRI plant in upstate New York and moved it to China. It does not require much logic to figure out what is going on economically if someone goes into Home Depot, Costco, Sears, or Walmart and does a search for any retail product manufactured in America.
The Republican establishment wants one of their good-old-boys in the White House. It has been said by a few political pundits that thirty days after a new administration is installed in Washington D.C., it is not possible to tell any difference between the old and the new guard. That may not be the case with Trump in office.
The establishment was in favor of Rubio from the get go because Rubio was a hollow stuffed shirt who would be easily manipulated. They really dislike Cruz because of his tendency to go his own way and not conform to the dictates of the top Congressional leadership. Kasich is an also ran candidate as were most of the rest of the Republican candidates who dropped out already.
The Republican establishment is obviously still thinking about a brokered convention with Trump close to the magic number of delegates, but not quite there. That could result in chaos at the convention with Cruz, Kasich, or possibly another candidate cherry picked by the Republican establishment being the nominee. That will result in Hillary being elected. If Kasich drops out, which he should, then the brokered convention scenario could still play out. If Cruz drops out leaving Trump and Kasich in the running, the same scenario can still play out.
Now is the time for both Cruz and Kasich to drop out and endorse Trump for President with the entire Republican apparatus applying their support for Trump. Trump would then be in a position to take Hillary on full time. A fact of life is Hillary is not going to get indicted for anything as long as Barack Obama is President. It is apparent that the people talking up a Hillary Clinton indictment don’t know that President Obama controls the Justice Department. Trump is not your typical timid candidate who is afraid of offending the feminist movement or any other special interest that happens to be the essence of the modern Democratic Party. He will rip Hillary a new vent.
We don’t need Cruz to hang in there, Chuck. We need him and Kasich to drop out now.
Bob, I don't know what you are smokin' but it must be good. You should pass it around.
Trump got his start with a million plus from Daddy. He is mobbed up in New York, Vegas, and Jersey. He has as many failed businesses as successful ones. He may be under indictment in New York for Trump University by the end of the year. He dodged the draft in the 60's. He has little to no understanding of International relations. When he gets up in the morning the color of his ball cap signals his mood to his household staff. Red....beware, white...the boss is OK. That was a statement from his Butler of 30 years in a recent interview.....Google it if you have doubts. GREAT method of employee relations don't you think.
He incites people to attack protestors at his rally's. He's a misogynist, a racist, and has no respect for people that served their country.....reference his John McCain comments. He has his own products made in how does he stop something he is a part of? His household and country club labor are on special visas from abroad......he feels the locals in Florida are incompetent......of course, they also cost more. The Dept of Labor is investigating his abuse of the foreign guest worker program. His modeling agency is also under investigation for importing models, then not paying them the contracted rates....some got 10% of what they were promised. By the way, these investigations predate his run for President. His hotels employ questionable labor.....unverified status. The man is a raving bombastic, abusive hypocrite. He believes the law is negotiable if you have enough money, so obviously he doesn't have to obey it if it's stopping him.
How do you expect he will get anything done? He's not King Donald. If elected, he still has to work with a hostile Congress.....which may very well involve a Democrat controlled Senate. He can't order Government to do his bidding. He can't stamp his foot, give a petulant look and threaten to cancel a meeting if they don't do what he wants. "You're Fired" doesn't work in Government. He will be so far out of his element that he won't know where to start.....and then the bureaucracy will take over.
I "get" that people are am I, with stalled, ineffective Government. Trump will be the same problem.....on steroids. We will be lucky if he doesn't start another war.
Businesses have moved to China because the cost of goods are 10-30% lower there, not because of US tax policy. Labor is exploited to the extreme in China, there are no environmental protections.....hence Beijing chokes under smog, the rivers are polluted with chemical waste, and people are dying in unsafe mines as a common event. I have done business in China for years, both as an importer and an exporter. American companies move businesses to China, Vietnam, Mexico, Indonesia because people work for a dollar or two a day. Stop believing the crap Trump spews out and do some personal's all about maximizing profit, not avoiding taxes.
Well I am certainly getting a variety of comments on my Blog. The comment 'removed by administrator' was just a duplication. I like David's comment - short and to the point :-)
As I have said, should be an interesting political road ahead.
Interesting comment on CNN this morning. ISIS supporters in the US have posted a hit list of US law enforcement officers, with their home addresses online. They encourage their US supporters to kill them and their families. Could this be a reaction to Trumps comments that the military should kill the families of ISIS leaders....which is, by the way a war crime. Trump engages his mouth before his brain and doesn't consider the overall implications of the things he says. Responsible National Leader......not!
Nighthawk to be fair ISIS has been encouraging US supporters to kill police and military and their families here in the US long before Trump came on the scene.
Nighthawk this was a year ago.
Mr. or Ms. Anonymous has made a retort to my message that was intended to relate my thoughts on what would be best for the Republican party, which in my opinion is to close ranks and defeat Hillary.
The not so subtle retort to my statement begins with a question of what am I smoking. Well, I don’t drink, smoke, nor do I do any drugs other than a mild Statin regiment to help keep my cholesterol level down. You note that Trump inherited a million dollars. If his net worth today that has been in the news is around ten billion dollars, that would suggest that he is one of the best businessmen and financial managers in America. You report that he has as many failed businesses as successful ones. I wonder where you obtained that piece of misinformation. If you make a statement like that without any reference to where the information came from, the reader will almost always doubt your authenticity.
You go on to bring up the Trump University being a serious problem for Trump. That is one of the major talking points coming from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Republican establishment that refuses to recognize that the American people are not going to vote in the General Election for Kasich, Cruz, or any other cherry-picked Republican candidate selected by the Party establishment.
My statement on Chuck’s blog was intended to tell the readers that the enemy is Hillary and she will be a formidable foe through the real campaign season after the conventions. No praise was heaped on Trump, or any other candidate. I have tried to make the point that the only way to beat Hillary is for the Republican Party to pull together now and support the candidate that can beat Hillary. The best way for Hillary to win with a huge mandate is for the Republican establishment to continue trying to dump Trump effectively shooting themselves in the foot with the final assault coming in smoke filled back rooms during the convention to bring out a candidate that the establishment wants, but the electorate cannot support. There will be no better way to insure the final destruction of the Republican Party.
Bob, my initial comment was meant as a's an old one at that. No offense intended. My posts as anon are from my iPad because I'm to lazy to configure it for my yahoo address like my iPhone. My anon is really nighthawk. Much of what I post is tongue-in-cheek because this whole election is a joke. Trump is not worth $10 billion.....if he would post his tax returns that would be evident. By the way, the IRS stated that posting his returns would have no effect on their audit.....another Trump lie.
All of Trumps financial start comes from inherited wealth. Besides the initial million when he started, his inheritance was between 100 and 200 million dollars......most of it in New York real estate. With that as a start I think anyone with a modicum of intelligence could have done well. The following article gives a reasonable summary of his financial past.
The Trump University comment comes from a public statement by the New York AG, and in in Trumps own deposition.....both are available with Google. The above article also mentions his four bankrupsys, and numerous commercial business failures. His money has been made in New York real estate, not "hard business". He is undeniably a good real estate mogul, but that doesn't qualify him to run the country. He also sells himself very well, as evidenced by his Brand "Trump" which has been licensed to hundreds of businesses in which he has no stake other than a royalty.
I have huge respect for people that make their fortune with grit and determination, and risk taking. Those people create jobs. Trump is a "film-flam man" who made his money based on a vast inherited fortune that he did not earn....but which he grew through speculation and puffery. He doesn't build things or create lasting jobs........his jobs are in the low paying services and entertainment industry. A reasonably credible source (see the above article) opined that in Business, Trump is a Real Estate, he's quite successful. They are not the same takes hard work, and the other takes guile. I'll give you that he can sell ice to Eskimos, I don't accept that he could build a company like Photosea, or Hydro Products from scratch like George and Chuck did, because he has the attention span of a gnat.....that will be his undoing.
One thing is certain.....if he runs, he will lose and a Dem will be President. Lord help us if it is HC because she is dangerous.....Trump is just a racist, buffoon and serious things, he's stupid, and can be used. You use people like him by feeding their ego.....which drives his life and his decisions.
In example, if the Convention has three contenders, Trump, Cruz and Kasich.....and they have 45, 35, and 10 percent of the delegates (respectively), then after the first ballot those delegates are free to change their vote. If, for instance, Trump still has less than 50%, and another candidate gets the majority, then that means the Republican electorate has spoken. Hopefully, he will lose and save the Country from a lot of grief because it will be impossible for him to function in Government with his attitude.
As to HC, I agree with you 100%. She's in Trumps Class regarding honestly but she is far more devious, and a whole lot more savvy when it comes to milking the public cow for personal gain. As much as I still hope for Bernie to get the nod, that will only happen if HC is indicted at this point. The numbers are not looking good...still possible, but not probable. Bernies main attributes are that he is an honest man, and he understands the process of compromise......and that is what makes American Government function. It's people like Mitch McConnel and Harry Reid that have stopped forward progress for so long. Peace Brother.
Here's a link to another article on Trumps rise. I think most people would agree that Bill Moyers rates up there with Walter Cronkite on an integrity scale.
Here's another link to Trumps employment policies at his Estate and Private Members Only Club. I guess this is his definition of bring jobs back to America. Of over 200 employees, "four" are U.S. nationals. Good Job Donald.....!!!
Sorry, forgot the link.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago hires hundreds of foreign workers
Mr. anonymous, you stated in your reply to me that, “By the way, the IRS stated that posting his returns would have no effect on their audit.....another Trump lie.” I don’t know where you get your information, but the IRS doesn’t make reports of that nature. You are again offering up political misinformation as factual.
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