I had planned to take a break from blogging until the next primary, but the situation at Emory University has me laughing, unbelieving, and feeling sad for some of those students. Just when I cannot believe how bad the P.C. culture has become in this country, it seems to get worse.
Someone wrote with chalk marks around Emory University "vile" slogans such as "Trump 2016", "Vote for Trump in 2016", "Trump for President", and several other benign political slogans. Apparently writing with chalk is common at the university; Bernie supporters and "Black Lives Matter" supporters have also promoted their causes in the same way. The chalk is not permanent graffiti since it washes off whenever it rains.
But a group of students has protested to the President of the university and feel they have been "traumatized" and do not feel safe anymore as long as these Trump slogans are allowed to remain. And what is also hard to believe is the university seems to be going along with the complainers; as one complaining student put it "I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school”.
I am not a Trump supporter, but this political correctness has become so common at universities these days I am wondering what quality of leaders we are training for the next generation. These must be children that were sheltered and protected by their parents and received a "participation trophy" for every competitive game they ever played. Sadly they have no idea what it means to win or lose, or what awaits them after (or if) they graduate.
The unfortunate aspect of this "sheltering" attitude is that those kids will go into the real world someday and will be in shock, and some may not be able to cope. I'm not an authority but I have raised six kids, and have seven grandchildren (six who have, or are going to graduate from college), and all of them take responsibility for themselves and deal with all the obstacles that life seems to throw at our feet. The real world is not always "politically correct" and we should be training our future leaders with that in mind.
I said earlier I was laughing about the reaction of these students at Emory, but really I feel sorry for them and it's disturbing to see how this left wing liberal influence is degrading what was once the greatest university system in the world.
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It's not the Left Wing Chuck.....all of the ills of the World don't lie at the feet of the Left Wing. Those kids have just been sheltered from reality, and coddled by both their left, and right wing parents. They are the helicopter kid generation who's parents were involved in every aspect of their lives from birth. They got trophies and medals for just showing up at an event.
I watched the PBS News hour this evening and saw a throughly disgusted Shields and Brooks discuss Trump, and his latest round of misoginistic comments and attacks. This nonsense between him and Cruz is throughly turning people off, and I can see how a "no holds barred, no boundaries" campaign would scare young people, who have no experience in the real world. It wasn't all that different when we were young, but there were a few boundaries that were not crossed.
There was also a story on the Libraterian candidate for President. He is poling 11% of the electorate. Last election he polled 1%, and if things continue to degrade he may become a factor in the National election. I'm not sure what happens if a candidate doesn't gain a plurality in the election.....i don't think it's ever happened.
Yes it has happened in 92', Bill Clinton won the Presidency with about 43% of the vote if I recall. Ross Perot running as a third party candidate took about 17% of the vote. As I said in a previous Blog wouldn't it be ironic if Hillary won with less that 50% of the vote like her husband...it could happen, although I don't like to think about it.
And John it 'is' the liberal attitude on these campuses that is the problem. These students need to be told that the Constitution goes both ways and they need to deal with it. Instead the administrations are knuckling under to the student protesters instead of telling them they need to learn to accept and live with other points of view.
And by the way you get my vote as champion "lurker", your first comment was less than five minutes after I posted the Blog :-).
Chuck, contrary to popular belief, both left and right wing students attend the same institutions. Without knowing the politics of the whiners, it's impossible to determine which "wing" of this very sick bird was whining.
I do agree that college administrations are notably weak, but they were the same way in the 70's.
My email pings me on my phone or iPad whenever I have incoming. Five minutes was a bit slow. (;^>
Returning to Chuck’s main point that had nothing to do with Trump or other left wing reports on television brought out by Mr. Johnson that seems to always favor Hillary, we have an education system in America that has been subverted, for the most part, by ultra-liberal Saul Alinsky philosophy. I believe that was the point that Chuck was attempting to offer. Yes, political correctness is a factor, but it is more like modern American nanny-state thinking that is the real problem. The labels are rather meaningless. The real problem begins with our children not learning any manners or personal discipline in the home. They know that they can do whatever they want in school without consequences. The colleges and universities are not willing to put their foot down when it comes to controlling their institutions. To carry high standards for curriculum and discipline on campus is a recipe for serious condemnation.
Our major educational institutions are only a shadow of what they were in years past. I wonder how a teacher can possible do their job if almost every statement, regardless of the source, is offensive to one of the endless collection of very vocal special interests. John, You are flat out wrong with your statement that university administrators are the same today as they were back in the 70’s. The administrators today are the product of nanny-state ultra-liberalism. They don’t have a clue today as evidenced by the dramatically declining ratings in all areas of American education.
Bob, it's Johnston, not Johnson; and I think I've said many times that I don't favor Hillary, wouldn't vote for her, and consider her a lying, sociopath. So let's put that to rest and stop the personal characterizations because you don't know me at all.
The comments Chuck started with were about students seeing Trump comments, in chalk on campus steps, and how those students were intimidated. All of these issues are linked because our political society has devolved to a point where some people disregard any limits, and lack basic respect for each other, or the system. The prime example is the utter stupidity of the two principal Republican candidates slandering each other's wives. That is simply beyond belief. Children in a schoolyard ranting is all it is.......and these idiots are the best we can offer as leader of the free world? PATHETIC,
You also don't seem to remember the students that occupied campus admin buildings in the 70's until they got their way, etc. They used spray paint graffiti in those days, if you will remember....not chalk.The news was full of demonstrations for this and that. In times of social stress history just repeats itself.
And once again.....it's the old folks (us this time) spouting the nonsense that "all" students and colleges are involved. The reality is that the vast majority of colleges, administrators, professors and students are doing what they are supposed to do.....giving and getting an education. In our day I can remember walking around the ranters in the campus quad, with news media cameras pointed at them......all ten of them......while hundreds of the rest of us went to our next class, ignored by the media. Stop watching the news on TV and spend a few days at a College or University. I just started my reinrollment process, and I didn't see anyone at UNM doing anything but studying or going to class.
Warren Buffet has it right.....the American system is far stronger than the social trauma of the moment. This too will pass.
If I understand you correctly, JJ, you are very sensitive to the spelling of your name, which is a measure of your character. Within the current political race for the White house, you say you don’t favor Hillary Clinton and you are apparently opposed to Trump or Cruz on the Republican side. By elimination, that leaves Bernie Sanders, the avowed Socialist Democrat who has stated repeatedly that he will dramatically raise taxes and reign in Wall Street and the investment banks. His critics say he will destroy what is left of the American Middle Class. I’m wondering what classes you will be taking at UNM.
John, you should pick up a copy of Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. One of his more interesting quotes was, “The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself.”
Well I wrote this Blog on the spur of the moment the other evening and it certainly got an interesting debate going. I will say this; anyone that believes our universities have not moved to the far left is either defending liberalism itself or not facing reality.
Once again Bob, you are starting with a personal comment on my character based on a sentence. I guess that is a measure of your character to launch a discussion in that manner......very Trumpist of you. I'm actually not sensitive to the spelling of my name as its a common error. Johnston, Johnstone, Johnson, Jhonson.....are all common. My wife's name is Jane, so we frequently have a laugh with people about our ordinary sounding names. I do sometimes take time to correct it because there are a lot of John Johnson's in the world....no need to confuse people further than they already are in this election year.
In any case, I do support Bernie Sanders, principally because he seems to be a honest man, who states his case clearly, avoids malicious slander of others, has kept the tenor of the Democrat race out of the mud and slime, hasn't achieved great wealth while serving the country for many years, takes the time to correct his errors when they are noted, and he actually has a plan that he presents for his Presidency....should he be successful. He has also financed his entire campaign with small, on-line donations, which is indicative of his support base. I don't agree with everything he proposes, but he has the desire to work with Congress, and he understands that success comes with negotiation and some compromise. I don't agree with anything Trump or Cruz propose.....much of which is simply illegal, racist and mesoginistic. Hillery is a pathological liar and a sociopath. You know when she is liying because it's when her lips are moving.
Anyone that thinks a Socialist President would destroy the country in one term is either grossly ignorant of the American political system, or stupid, or deliberately ignoring how our Government works. The President can unilaterally effect minor change, but there is no way large change happens without the participation of Congress. A Socialist President will mainly change the conversation in Congress. I think that conversation needs a drastic change. Whe have had Socialist Presidents in the past and yet......America continues to be a Republic and the greatest nation in the world.
There is no way a Republican will be elected President this year. The candidates have shredded each other in the Primary, divided their electorate, and given Democrats more than enough crap to take them down in a General Election. It's now to the point where the Republican candidate may very well be the cause for losing control of the Senate. If I were still a Republican, and I was for about 40 years, I would cross over and vote for Sanders simply to stop Clinton from getting into the White House.
Peace Bob. Have a good week and don't sweat the small stuff.
Oh Chuck.....sorry.....I need to get back on topic. How long has it been since you were actually on a College or University campus? This is a year of politics for goodness sakes.....of course the liberals are out in force......and of course the teaching staff is mainly liberal.....it always has been. California ranks right up there with liberal doctrine on campus....it always has. Conservatives go into the workforce and make money.....that's were they have influence. I give students the benefit of the doubt......they can think for themselves, and they generally make good decisions. Yours did, so did mine and they mostly all graduated from "liberal" Universities. Once the election is over things will return to normal......it always does.
Once again......when I got out of the Marines in '69 and heard the wail of the Conservative elite in the 70's that the youth were all smoking pot, engaging in free love, not paying attention in class, supporting liberal politicians......and worse yet.....being unduly influenced by (horrors) liberal professors. As a reminder.....that was our generation and it turned out to be pretty darned Conservative overall as adults.
Bob, apologies, I forgot to answer your question and tell you my future classes at UNM. I was a Senior at San Diego State and had just changed by major to Geology from Biology in 1973. Sadly, I didn't finish my degree. They don't offer hard sciences at this UNM campus, or I would finish my Geology degree. I'm going to take creative writing......I've got a Vietnam War novel running around in my head that I'd like to write before I die. My writing skills aren't at "novel" level. The other class is advanced woodworking...mainly furniture making. I've done it for years as a pastime and this should improve my skill set. I thought about political science.....but realized I have experts like you and Chuck around to learn from for free. (;^>
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