Friday, April 15, 2016

"Battle of the Curmudgeons"

I thought the Democratic debate last night was finally an example of what these two nominees are all about. A friend once told me how 'civil' they were to each other in their debates compared to Republicans. Really! Someone pulled back the curtain and the gloves came off last night. These two curmudgeons were yelling at each other all evening. Even the ultra-liberal Wolf Blitzer had to tell them to calm down and quit talking over each other.

Hillary: "We need a $15 minimum wage!"

Bernie: "That was my offer, you were only at $12 a few weeks ago!"

Hillary: "I have always been at $15 and I might even go to $20!"

Bernie: "I'll match your $20 and throw in three weeks of paid vacation for all employees!"

Hillary: "You're full of crap Bernie and you will never be President!"

Bernie: "Look bitch you are the one getting $235 thousand for a speech to Goldman Sachs and your Super Pac gets $15 million from Wall Street. You are in Wall Street's back pocket, you voted for the Iraq war, and you don't have the judgement to be President!"

Hillary: "Look you old bastard you can't get more that $30 from each of your contributors and you shouldn't even be on the stage with me. After Obama kicked my ass in 2008 I have been promised by the DNC that it's my turn to be President and you need to get lost!"

Bernie: "Look fatso I have won 7 of the last 8 primaries and I am in this to kick your ass all the way to the Convention!"

Wolf Blitzer: "Please can't we all get along?"

OK, this is not exactly how the debate went, but it is what I believe they were both thinking. Civil...I don't think so, and I was amazed that they could yell at the top of their voices for almost two hours. But in the end it was the same old Democratic play book...offer your voters lots of free stuff even though you know you can never deliver on your promises.



Olav said...


Nighthawk said...

You are starting to sound like Trump, Chuck. Incivility seems to be like a virus in our society these days.

Bob Catalano said...

John, I had a different take on Chuck’s message. I chuckled at his tongue-in-cheek statement. With the political shenanigans going on, it is getting difficult to take any of the candidates seriously. Bernie is a dinosaur with a political track record of accomplishing essentially nothing. Hillary is a shrew in the extreme and a money grubbing witch. Trump is a commercial real estate developer and a very successful businessman, but he has no idea when it comes to managing the presidency. Cruz is a serious manipulator and probably the only qualified candidate in the lot. Kasich is only in there to help dump Trump by picking up a few delegates. He never was a serious candidate.

Only one candidate seems to understand that the American people have had a belly full of politics as usual including multiculturalism, political correctness, and evangelical manure. When the party regulars manage to dump Trump that will insure Hillary’s dramatic ascent and coronation.

Chuckie D said...

John, sorry you are upset if I made fun of your heroes. You call Republicans "clowns" and every other name in the book, but if I write a tongue-in-cheek Blog about these phony democratic candidates I'm being "uncivil".

Nighthawk said...

I was kidding Chuck. The entire field sounds like a bunch of petulant children at this point. Can we have a "do-over" on this Primary.....please.

Nighthawk said...
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Nighthawk said...

I'm with Bob on this one. But yes, Incivility has seemed to take root in the society. I really don't think that comment is arguable. Unfortunately I'm not immune to the virus.

Chuckie D said...

Well if I offended anyone I apologize - it was an SNL skit with a few bad words thrown in :-)

Nighthawk said...

Not possible to offend me Chuck. I've been verbally and physically assaulted by the best. I enjoyed reading it, but it seemed out of character for you. You also misunderstand my position on the current politicians running for office. They are all a bad alternative. Bernie is just the least offensive to me. I am astounded that a country of 350 million people, that leads the world in almost everything, except health care and education, cannot find one qualified, ethical person to lead the Government. I'm further dismayed at the fervor of supporters of obviously corrupt, immoral and narcissistic people that are running. It's mind boggling.

Bob Catalano said...

Please don’t take offense or take this as a piling on activity. Although it is not important to the discussion, the fact is the U.S. population as of April 2016 is 323 million, not 350 million. Our population represents 4.38% of the world population. It is interesting that our rate of population growth is seven tenths that of the rest of the world. We as Americans can be very proud of many of our accomplishments such as the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world, the highest execution rate in the world within our penal institutions. We have a dramatically increasing illiteracy rate, a dramatically shrinking middle class, and declining per capita income rate. We have a government that is spending close to 40% more than they are taking in with a large part of the deficit going to service our growing national debt. It is hard to understand the common belief that we are doing well when we are on the fact track to oblivion.

Is there any hope that Bernie or Hillary will do anything to reverse the current liberal decline or will they make it worse? Ted Cruz is a nice guy, but he is not a mover or shaker willing to seriously change the status quo. Kasich doesn’t have a clue. Guess what folks, that leaves Trump. This individual is thinking that Trump’s unorthodox style and bad haircut is precisely what America needs today to invigorate our economy, close our borders, and put some sense into our foreign policy that has been orchestrated in recent years by John Kerry (aka Lurch) and none other than Hillary Clinton before Obama allegedly fired her. Ah, but it is not politically correct to bring up such a point.

The Republicans have a golden opportunity to capture the presidency. Rather than rallying around the populist candidate who doesn’t look, act, or talk like a politician, there is a movement to dump Trump rather than closing ranks and supporting his nomination and election. It is amazing that the Republican Party has not yet learned how to win an election after two dismal national election failures even when the path to success is right in front of them.

Unknown said...

I have read with interest the comments posted.

The 2016 pre-election process has been going on relentlessly for nearly two years,
and counting. Surely, there must be a more sane and abbreviated nominating process,
not to mention one that is less costly. Think of all the good that could come if we used
the money spent thus far on education, health care, infrastructure, research, and then some.

As one of you has noted, it is a sad commentary on our country if these individuals are
the best we can offer to occupy the highest office in the land. All have some strengths
and, several, all too many flaws, including unethical behavior, narcissism, close ties to
Wall Street, and a health dose of interest in power, greed, lying, and business as

The American people are tired Washington politicians and old-school politicians like
Hillary and Bernie. Even though I am a moderate Republican, I would vote for Bernie
a hundred times over one rather than vote for Hillary. She is qualified to be President
on paper/her resume, but her lying, lack of integrity, ultra-liberalism, and ultra-feminism
cause me to tremble at the thought of her being elected.

Ted Cruz is arguably the most intelligent of all the candidates, but there is something
rather creepy about him ~ plus, it gives me pause that he is almost universally unliked
by his colleagues in the Senate, among others.

I like much of what Trump says, but his ego is larger than the universe, he is arrogant,
and does not have the temperament to be President. His language and actions are
anything but appropriate much of the time.

Kasich seems to be honorable, but doesn't have a chance.

I for one would like to see Paul Ryan drafted, though he has not shown any interest
in the position, at least not now. He is intelligent, ethical, well-skilled in budgetary
matters, has an excellent resume and is the third most powerful person in Washington
at present, plus he is a family man with family values who demonstrates good sense
and judgement and has excellent communication skills and a favorable and Presidential

Sadly, I believe that Hillary will more than likely get elected and the thought leaves me
speechless and saddened beyond measure. My only hope is this: that the enormous
groundswell of opposition to D.C. as usual will most certainly persist after the November
election. If we think that ultra-liberal Obama has done a poor job, then with Hillary's
election, the feminization, the blackification, and the gayification, not the mention the
ultra-liberalization of America will be a fait accomplis.

May the Good Lord bless America, as we certainly need it. We are a shadow of the
nation we were at our peak ~ circa 1940-1960.



A big shakeup is in the making and we are long overdo for that.

Chuckie D said...

Well said Suki, if the Convention goes through several votes without selecting a candidate it could become a wide open affair and you could get your wish. Paul Ryan says he will not run, but all politicians say that. He definitely could beat Hillary in a general election.

Nighthawk said...

Enjoyed reading that Bob. I guess all we can do at this point is laugh.

Nighthawk said...

Has anyone remembered that Ryan hasn't been able to produce a budget. He continuously misses his own self imposed deadlines. If he can't set and meet his own schedules, why do you suppose he could do any better accomplishing anything in the top job. Chuck, Ryan is no more electable than Trump or Cruz. The Republican Party is a shadow of its former self, and all of the infighting has so badly fractured the current organization that there is no hope any Republican candidate would prevail in the National election. The RP had better start looking at the House and Senate races seriously because it now looks like the Senate leadership will change (thank you Mitch), and there is even some doubt about the House. Ryan does comb his hair nicely though.

Nighthawk said...

All of that said, I sill go with Buffett.....this too will pass, the sky is not falling Chicken Little.

Chuckie D said...

John you wouldn't have a good thing to say about a Republican if it was Abe Lincoln himself.

Bob Catalano said...

John, if you are thinking the "Unknown" piece came from me, I must respectfully decline that credit. I believe it came from Dr. Kennith Seid, a PhD level English professor. Dr. Seid is a semi-retired English professor who is quite the social critic. He and I have very similar political thoughts, although our writing styles are dramatically different.

Unknown said...

You are a Republican Chuck and I often say good things about you.

The current two leading dirtbags running under the Republican banner are no more Republican than Hillary.....they just say they are to get votes. If there was a no integrity, no truth Party, they would be in it by default. Trump used to contribute to the Clintons, and hosted them at Trump Tower events.