Monday, June 20, 2016

"What happened to our laws"

Am I the only one disgusted while watching these riots in Coasta Mesa, Albuquerque, and Anaheim showing people destroying police cars, breaking windows, and starting fires while the police watched? Some were arrested but it looked like dozens were breaking the law, not 'peacefully' protesting...and now we approach the Convention in Cleveland.

 People should be allowed to protest, it's their right, but if you destroy a police car or someone's property you have broken the law and you should go to jail. I commend the police for their restraint, but I also believe the neglect of the rule of law leads to anarchy. If you watched the videos, someone who was a Trump supporter could have been killed and some were injured as they just wanted drive home from the rally.

I was also disgusted to see many of the protesters flying Mexican flags. Call me a racist, but think about what would happen if you flew an American flag during a protest in Mexico City. What is ironic is that these folks have just reinforced Trump's campaign; he wants to enforce the laws of this country and stop the flow of illegals into this country. We are all descendants of immigrants but without some control this country will become chaotic and it showed in all these protests. 

California is a Latino majority and most are peace loving, but if they protest violently and fly Mexican flags, the progress they have made will be lost. More than 50% of drivers licenses last year in Ca went to illegal immigrants. I'm not a anti immigration person but we do have a country with borders and do we want to recognize these borders or not? Democrats seem to want an open borders country, some say to get more votes I hope that's not the case.

I am in the wine business so no one knows more that me how much vineyard workers are needed and that's why we need a guest worker program. Most illegals are here to earn money and would like nothing better that to make some money and move back to their home country.

Let me end this blog by asking a question - how many Conservatives do you see participating in violent protests? And let's see how many Conservatives protest violently this summer during the Conventions. 


Bob Catalano said...

It is nice to see you back on your blog, Chuck. Your thought that you might be called a racist is interesting. There is only one race of human beings on planet earth known as Homo sapiens, sapiens. There are various ethnicities, however. Mexicans are not a race, but rather they are a mix of several ethnicities.

I just did a quick check on Wikipedia to learn that Hispanics are not the majority of California residents. The white population in California is running 73.2 percent, but there are a lot of Hispanics within that category. Surveys show 61.4% non-Hispanic and 38.6% Hispanic. Out of those figures it is clear that the Mexicans are not the majority representatives in California quite yet, but they are moving up every year. The Mexican flag carrying protestors are true racists from the La Raza organization.

So, where are all the white folks going? They are moving away for jobs in states like Texas that are much more industry friendly. Many are moving to our overcrowded graveyards as they age out. White families are averaging less than two children per couple with few if any children coming out of the LGBT communities. The Mexican immigrants tend to have about four children per married couple. The African Americans have reduced their offspring numbers to around two per married couple and about three for unmarried females.

There is a current factor relating to protests and police protection. With all of the anti-police action occurring during the last year, the police departments across the country are standing back and avoiding aggressive contact with protesters to avoid becoming targets for further assaults including job actions and even prosecution for doing their jobs.

Unknown said...

The tone of this election was set by the vociferous, slanderous, disgusting exchanges by the extreme Republican candidates during the Primaries. I won't give them the dignity of calling them Conservatives. Even the sane members of the RP have denounced those elements at various times, and the elite of the RP still are not endorsing the presumed candidate. His comments and actions, his attempts to incite violence among his own people are on record. Once you open Pandoras Box you take what comes. Trump made inciting riots acceptable. His people treated dissenters at his Rallies harshly, and again I won't give them the dignity of calling them Conservatives. The people, inciting and participating in these riots, are criminals. It only takes a dozen people to turn a peaceful gathering of protestors into a riot.....a rock or bottle gets thrown, people react and chaos results. Applying political labels, either Liberal or Conservative, to these criminals is incorrect......they are simply criminals.

As to Democrats supporting illegals, I will remind you that the current Administration has attempted to institute immigration reform several times in the last eight years, but has been blocked by the RP majority.....who have yet to make a proposal of their own. This Administration has also deported more illegals than any Administration in history, and the overall numbers are down. The fact that California has 2.5 million illegals is a reflection of the State policy, not the National policy. The comment that Democrats are bringing in masses of illegals so that they can increase the liberal vote is simply unsupportable. To Vote you must be a Citizen.....that requires a Passport, or a Certified birth certificate, or papers proving the person is a Naturalized Citizen to certify Citizenship; with two supporting documents to prove State residency. I have re-registered to vote twice in the past two years, in Texas and New Mexico, and it's a pain in the ass. In Texas I had to make two trips because I only had a drivers license for residency......I had to return with a utility bill to show I was paying for services. It is damn hard to register to vote.

In addition, the largest eneficiaries of illegals are businesses. They pick crops, slaughter animals, work construction, and do all of the dirty work good Americans won't do for subsistence wages. I suggest that is why immigration reform is not doesn't want it to happen. It's not's an economic issue. Fine employers $10,000 for each illegal....enforce jobs....problem solved.

Chuckie D said...

Looks like you two have been standing in the wings waiting for me to Blog. John your response is classic Progressive, redirect the issue and blame it on Republicans, not even worth a response. By the way the only reason deportations are up is the Obama administration changing rules to count anyone turned back at the border as a "deportation".

Bob Catalano said...

I am guilty as charged, Chuck. I have been looking forward to your blog. You did a nice job of avoiding the campaign issues in this blog. Perhaps you recognize something that is becoming obvious. There is no need for the conventions or the election with billions of dollars wasted. Hillary is not the populist candidate, but she is the selected political candidate as was Obama in the past. Hillary's presidency is a done deal, so what is the point in all the animus?

Unknown said...

With respect Chuck, you need to retread my response. It doesn't blame all Republicans, just those specifically responsible for the negative, destructive tone of the Primary elections. I also feel that the current violence is a criminal issue, not a political issue. Dissent is healthy, but violence, no matter who starts it is not. Bob stated it correctly when he pointed out that the source of the violence was a group known for extremist Hispanic action. Political gatherings are just a venue for them to gather and gain a media audience, and they don't represent either of the major American political party's. I could also comment that you always point a finger at "liberal" or "progressives", rather than look below the surface. Nobody wins in this situation.

As to illegal immigration, there is no evidence to show that border turnarounds are in the deportation count. Where do you get that information......cite a non-partisan reference please. Even if it were true, one indisputable fact is that the number of total illegal residents is significantly down. I believe that this year it is rising again, although it hasn't reached the prior level. The increase is attributed to job availability........yet another indication that "jobs" are the motivating force for illegal immigration. Eliminate the eliminates the problem.

Unknown said... my response......

Not retread my response.

Unknown said...

I stand corrected on the issue of deportations.

The President himself confirmed this statistical manipulation in 2011, speaking at a roundtable for Hispanic reporters:

“The statistics are actually a little deceptive because what we’ve been doing is, with the stronger border enforcement, we’ve been apprehending folks at the borders and sending them back. That is counted as a deportation, even though they may have only been held for a day or 48 hours, sent back — that’s counted as a deportation.” he said."

So, the current numbers do reflect border deportations, which had not been included previously. Additionally, I learned that the record year for deportations was under Clinton, using the older standards, that do not include border deportations.

The overall numbers of illegals in the USA are down to 11 million people in 2014, versus a high of 12 million in 2007. The decline is attributed to the economy. Illegal immigration is now up slightly again, attributed to an improving economy and job availability.

Chuckie D said...

Bob, I am afraid you are right, the Clinton presidency is probably a done deal and I am starting to become resigned to it. What a state of affairs in this country. If the Republicans can keep the House at least they will have some control. One positive point is that Hillary and Bill will be more interested in enriching themselves and maybe won't do too much harm. Unfortunately at my age I'm running out of time to see this country get its act together.

Bob Catalano said...

If we listen to the broadcasts and read only the articles relating to our individual political point of view, it is very easy to become duped into following a narrow agenda. An example of that is within the current post-Orlando massacre rhetoric. The Obama/Hillary liberal perspective is to blame the problem on easy access to assault weapons, so their answer is a new assault on the Second Amendment. The Trump response has been to identify Islamic Terrorism with calls to restrict immigration. Trump says guns are not the problem, but rather it is the finger pulling the trigger that needs to be addressed. To get a good understanding of the issues requires a review of all sides of the issues with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Nighthawk said...

Well stated Bob. I read Yahoo News, CNN, USA Today, FOX, BBC, NPR, and a news highlights service that draws from about twenty sources (liberal and conservative) including Bloomberg, Huffington, Washington Post, etc. it's amazing how similar they all are, so they likely draw many of their articles from wire service reporters. I used to read Al Jazerra but it has imploded.

Nighthawk said...

Bob and Chuck, it is truly disgusting that HRC (really BC for a third term) will be the next President. To have such an openly dishonest, pathological liar as the first woman President is a disgrace and a stain on women's advancements in our society. I agree with Chuck, both of them will be too busy stealing the furniture, silverware and milking the petty cash account to do much damage. Bill isn't looking very good these days, so there is a chance she will be the first widow President, as well.

Anonymous said...

I fear like you do, gents, that HRC is likely to be our next president...what a pity. However, it isn't over until it's over, as they say, and I understand that there are things going on behind the scenes to put down Trump at the RNC and who might step in is T.B.D. So, time will tell as it's sure going to get interesting and/or more pitiful. We shall see! JB

Nighthawk said...

Hope springs eternal JB.

Nighthawk said...

I made specific points Chuck, I didn't simply redirect the issue. My points were all on the subject. It should have been easy to refute my comments if facts existed to do so.

Nighthawk said...

I'm not sure I agree with the "selected candidate" comment for the last election. As I recall, Obama and HRC really slugged it out, and the vote was pretty decisive. Unlike this last Dem Primary where the DNC rigged the debate schedule and the Super Delegates declared even before the primaries happened.

Chuckie D said...

Who knows, if Hillary gets elected they may not only be the first husband and wife to become President, but the first husband and wife Presidents to be impeached :-)

Nighthawk said...

Once again, hope springs eternal.