Friday, July 22, 2016


Passion....or lack of it clearly describes the attitudes of voters this election. Donald Trump has passionate followers and no one will ever change their mind. He also has a large segment of the voting public that passionately would NEVER vote for him no matter who he is running against. And that says a lot since he is running against a serial criminal, yet the experts say he will lose in November.

Hillary is also facing head winds in the November election and there is not so much passion involved with her supporters. Like Trump there is also a large segment of the voting public that would NEVER vote for Hillary Clinton and plan to hold their nose and vote for Trump or not vote. On the support side I don't see much 'passion'; ask yourself how many people you have seen that passionately want Hillary to be President, many of her supporters just don't like Trump. I have a son who hates Trump and even jokes (I think) about moving to Canada if Trump is elected. I asked him what he was going to do if Hillary is elected, his response: "So what if we have another crook in the White House, that's not unusual". How's that for a ringing endorsement of Hillary.

Hillary's advantage is the entitlement society; millions rely on government assistance in the form of food stamps, welfare, housing assistance, Obamacare subsidies, free cell phone is endless, and these folks will never vote for a Donald Trump or any other 'pro work' President. I'm not saying there are folks that don't need assistance, of course there are, but in my opinion not in the numbers on the government dole right now.

The Republican Convention was not filled with a lot of passion, although Rudy gave it a good shot. But it was a good convention in my opinion, the Cruz dust up and the Melania accusation of plagiarism were just speed bumps, but contrary to the liberal media calling it a food fight, I liked the many speakers and the message. In my opinion the story of the convention was Trump's family, especially his kids; what an impressive group. There is an old saying; "You cannot fake good kids"; they were intelligent, great speakers, classy, and not pretentious in any way. If Trump is smart he will have them all on the road during his campaign.

Mike Pence was a safe choice for Trump and adds the political experience needed. Today Hillary announced her VP choice; Senator Tim Kaine. When it comes to 'passion' I would color Pence gray and I would color Kain gray; so we have 'gray squared' VP candidates...plan on dinner out for the VP debate.

So now we go to the Democratic Convention where as one pundit described it "They will try to tear the skin off Donald Trump", and why not, that is what this bullshit we call politics is all about.    


Nighthawk said...

Interesting perspective Chuck. To be on welfare a person has to make less than $1,000 a month. I certainly couldn't survive on $1,000 a month, not to mention raise a family, have healthcare, offer some hope of an education to my children.

A lot of people on welfare are actually working but they can't make enough to live, so welfare fills a gap.

Wage disparities in the USA are a huge part of the problem.

My question to you is, if you end welfare, what are all of those people going to eat. A major portion of them are women with children. As in most Republican arguments the self evident problem is identified, but no solution is offered. Maybe we just let them all starve and that is the solution. What do you think?

Nighthawk said...

I agree with you regarding a lack of passion for this election. It has been the nastiest, least instructive, most socially destructive election cycle in my almost 70 year lifetime. It gave us two pathological, serial liars, one a narcissist and the other an uncharged criminal, both of whom are totally lacking in social mores or any sense of social responsibility. They both have the same two goals, power and money. The American people are there to be conned and fleeced. Nothing either of them say has any chance of getting through Congress.

Regardless of who is elected, Government will be at a stalemate for another four years. Saying nice things about Trumps family is like putting lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. His kids will not be running the country, he will, so what they say or look like is irrelevant. He will lose, but the alternative is certainly not better. This election says nothing good about America.

Chuckie D said...

Read the post Nighthawk, I said nothing about ending welfare, in fact I said just the opposite; people in real need should get help. I said in my opinion there are a lot of people "milking" the system. You look at the world through your progressive lens and think everyone is a victim, I don't agree.

Bob Catalano said...

Everyone that I have heard from has come away from the Republican convention with a variety of perspectives. Donald Trump has two serious challenges. One is the obvious Hillary Clinton opposition and the other is from the old guard Republican establishment. Based on her baggage going all the way back to the Bill Clinton presidential era, Hillary should be spending the Clinton Foundation funds on expensive criminal attorneys trying to keep out of jail.

Those opponents of Trump who continue to shout that he has no experience in politics and has no idea of what he is doing should take a look at Obama’s first term. He was elected with almost no experience beyond organizing poor neighborhoods in Chicago with no vetting of his background. His key attribute was a brilliant speaking ability and the fact that he is black. Trump has developed a multi-billion dollar commercial real estate business over the last forty years and he has employed tens of thousands of people. His skills are in business, finance, and commercial development that are key problem areas in our nation today. Hillary’s recent claim to fame is her outstanding handling of the Benghazi incident. She has no business experience other than extorting millions of dollars from Wall Street and foreign nations for the Clinton Foundation. Her people skills are horrible and her apparent weight gain in recent months suggests a diabetic problem.

The real question for the electorate is which of the two candidates will be best suited to fix our economic problems?

Bob Catalano said...

You may not know it, but I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention. Based on my busy schedule and existing commitments, I was forced to decline the invitation. I suggested that if the DNC was willing to offer me $150,000.00 for the keynote speech, I would see if I might be able to squeeze it in for Hillary.

Nighthawk said...

Apologies Chuck, I didn't mean you personally wanted to put women and children on the street. I should have said "what will the country do with all of those needy people." The inference if a Conservative agenda is to end welfare, and in fact that has been stated at various times. If you ask Trump or Ruan, I suspect the answer would be to cut those programs. My question still stands. "We all see the problem, nobody wants waste or abuse, so what's the plan other than talk, talk, talk and accusations." I don't see victims, I see people that have been disadvantaged by poor educational opportunities, and by organizations that seem to exist to exploit them further simply because they can do so. The problems are obvious Chuck, what's the Plan?

Nighthawk said...

Her weight gain might also be a bulletproof vest. I used to think there are a lot of overweight police officers until I realized they were all wearing ballistic vests. I won't get into a detailed rehash of the way Trump made his millions, or his three or four bankruptcies, that allowed him to fail massively, unload his debt on investors, and start again. We can also skip over the approximately 2,500 lawsuits and claims for underpayment for services, and the small businessmen that have gone under because he wouldn't pay them. He's not a nice guy in business, or one you would do business with. So I'll move on. Nothing to say about HRC because you are right, but don't put lipstick on the pig called Trump. Didn't Trump also say the solution to the National Debt was to print more money. I'll bet a lot of Conservatives and economists had heart failure over that one. What about his plan to increase tariffs? Everytime that has been done in our history, the country went into a recession. Does he have any real understanding of Global doesn't appear so with those comments.

I don't think either candidate is suited to fix the problems we face. We are facing four more years of Governmental gridlock, and that is the real National future.

Nighthawk said...

I'd watch the news just to hear that Bob. If they call, take the job.

At this point I think all we can do is make jokes and laugh. The one thing going for us is that this Country is like a juggernaut when it comes to the economy. It doesn't seem to matter who is running the Government, the Country always seems to reset and recover. It's too big a marketplace to simply shut down, and its full of smart people always pushing for more, better, faster, cooler. The Country will survive either of these two idiots as President.

Bob Catalano said...

Excellent presentation, Nighthawk, and I agree with you 100%.