Wednesday, August 10, 2016

"Truth - sooner or later"

Someone once said that sooner or later no matter how much effort is put into covering the truth it always rises to the surface.

This election campaign is becoming more fun as we go along.  By all rights, after all of Trump's stupid comments and the fact that the media gives him 95% of the negative attention, Hillary Clinton should be running away with this election. I read today that after Trump's comment about gun rights last night, today's media devoted 15 times more negative reporting compared to Hillary. And this is after Judicial Watch was able to secure more emails exposing the 'pay to play' Clinton crime family operation. And yet the liberal media hardly covered it.

Today Julian Assange of Wikileaks in an interview with Netherlands TV 'hinted' that Seth Rich the DNC staffer murdered last month in DC might have been one of his sources. He did not say he thought Seth was murdered because he WAS a source, but said "Some sources take great risks".  Rich was shot twice in the back and his murder was listed as a 'possible burglary' although his wallet and cell phone were not taken.  Hmm...shades of Vince Foster.

Hillary's campaign has said that all these recent 'pay to play' emails released were between her staffers and Clinton Foundation staffers and she was not involved....right. These slimy Clintons keep denying, denying but sooner or later the truth will come out.

Why would Hillary wipe her server clean of 33,000 so-called personal emails? Why not just delete them like we all do, even knowing they still stay in memory. Ask yourself that question.  She says they were all personal; organizing Chelsea's wedding; scheduling her Yoga classes, etc. I can see where a lot of the emails had to do with such a magnificent wedding, after all it was the King and Queen of American politics and the wedding of their Princess Chelsea. And I guess you can spend a lot of time on email scheduling your Yoga classes, she certainly must have spent a lot of time on the internet trying to find XXL yoga pants. But ask yourself again, why wipe the server clean?...I think we all know why.

So strap in your seat belt this could be quite an election season. No one gives Trump a chance but what if Wikileaks or some other hacker releases some or all of those 33,000 emails and exposes the truth? How exciting this election could become. But don't count on the main stream liberal media, they are in the tank and will do whatever they can to cover the truth about Hillary. But truth sooner or later...


Unknown said...

There has been some personal thought recently that my view of the tone of the media seems to be strongly biased against Trump is due to a fundamental dislike of Hillary that may or may not be justified. It is telling that Chuck recognizes the same factor. It seems like there is a group of specialists in an office somewhere listening to every word spoken or published by Trump looking for any possible flaw or negative interpretation. Those people are prepared to twist anything he says into scandalous negative press that is being exploded across the national media outlets. The purpose is obvious and that is to keep Trump on the defensive right up to Election Day.

Back during the contest between Romney and Obama, the Democratic Party developed the campaign tactic that they are using against Trump today. Romney went into an apologetic mode as soon as the Obama campaign raised the race card. With their twisted interpretation of Romney’s various campaign statements, Romney went down in flames. Now look at my words that include the term “race card” and “went down in flames,” and think about what could be done with those common word sequences by a group of media mechanics if I was a candidate.

We are now seeing a little more of the Clinton scandalous and illegal activities that if reported with the same media vitriol given to Trump would probably knock off about 25% on Hillary’s support in the national polls. Ah, but even that can be rigged.

One must wonder what it will take for the agencies to indict Hillary before she is elected President.

Chuckie D said...

Julian Assange has also 'hinted' that he has emails proving the Benghazi location was involved in running guns to Syria. Hillary has testified under oath to Congress that that was not true. Should be interesting to see what Wikileaks has.

Unknown said...

I have my doubts, but there is a chance that Hillary may still get shot down. Notice that she is beginning to sound a bit hysterical in response to the unrelenting Trump assault. She is apparently not good at taking any kind of criticism be it good or outrageous. Trump may be thinking what the hell, if I play the Mr. Nice Guy routine with polished statements, I am going to get murdered on Election Day.

He is pushing the political envelope real hard to rattle Hillary and get the electorate to turn against the Clinton Criminal Express. The media will never report favorably on that kind of strategy. Notice something else. Hillary has gained about 50 pounds or so recently and she now walks with a fat person’s waddle. She may have some serious medical issues that she is not reporting. If she doesn’t blow up in a fit of rage on stage against Trump, she might soon keel over dead.

Chuckie D said...

What amazes me Bob is that Trump keeps opening his big mouth just when he has a perfect opening to attack Hillary. This week all the new emails that came out about more corruption between State and the Clinton Foundation and he spends the week accusing Hillary and Obama of being the 'founders' of ISIS. Then at the end of the week says he was just being sarcastic...and most knew that was true but it was ridiculous. He had his chance to attack her on a real corruption subject and he just did his dance.

Trump knows that 95% of the media is going to drill him, so he is either very stupid or playing an Ali 'rope a dope' just trying to make the media crazy and drop their guard. Unfortunately I don't know where his knockout punch may come from...maybe Wikileaks is on his payroll? :-)