Wednesday, June 6, 2007

It's Amnesty do I write this without sounding like a bigot.

The new proposed immigration bill is apparently a "bipartisan" agreement between Congress and the White House. The 12 million "undocumented aliens" (code for illegal immigrants) in this country would immediately become "legal", and if they chose to, would get a path to legalization along with their families - (an estimated additional 6-8 million). Each "illegal" (let's give them the proper description) would get a "Z Visa" which would give them a green card + welfare benefits, college tuition benefits, social security benefits, medicare benefits....I could go on. And if someday they wanted to become a citizen, they would have to pay a fine and make a "touchdown" trip back to their country of origin. But why would they want to become a citizen when they get all the benefits by just being "legal"?

It's not the intent of this blog to debate the details of this proposed 1000 page new law. On the contrary the situation is simple as I see it. These people came here illegally....why should anyone be rewarded for breaking the law. I have heard several conservative Senators say "It was the best we could do, and politics require compromise to get things done". Bull sh--. Any way you slice it, it is amnesty.

It is estimated that 60% of the 12 million are high school dropouts, and if you believe the statistics, each illegal immigrant costs this country $19,000 per year in health benefits, welfare, education expenses, etc. You do the math.

The proponents assure us this bill includes a strong provision for border security - 300 miles of new fencing (what happened to the 700 miles that was approved last year). A fence will help, it did in my home town of San Diego, but eventually the millions in Mexico will find a way to a better life here. And let's not even talk about security from people that want to kill us.

This country simply cannot keep absorbing millions of new residents, especially those that cannot pay their own way or even speak our language. The social security and medicare systems are already broken and those of us with children know that our children and grandchildren will have a future financial burden that doesn't add up. And that is before the addition of 15-20 million new "citizens" that will be mostly poor and not only straining, but maybe even "breaking" our way of life.

I predict we are reaching a boiling point in this country. Maybe the citizens will finally rise up and stop things...elect new Representatives and Senators. And of course with the Democrats promise of free benefits for everyone, the end result of this bill could be a one party system here, with tax rate of 75% just to pay the bills.

The bottom line is simple, these people are here illegally and that's the end of it. Secure our borders - then figure out how to solve the problem with these 12 million people, and give those folks that are "legally standing in line" first shot at the American dream.

1 comment:

Michael Strickland said...

I agree with the issues of fairness that this immigration problem presents. It's unfair for illegal immigrants to receive an immediate de facto green card, while most legal immigrants have to wait years and years for them. (A friend of mine is returning to her country because her 5-year work visa ran out long before her green card application was processed.) But this is a complex issue, and it's true that so many of these illegal immigrants are doing work that Americans won't do. But, as usual, Congress comes up with a compromise solution comprised of the worst of what both sides proposed, instead of vice versa.