Thursday, October 11, 2007

I want to be a Democrat

I have been a Conservative Republican all of my life, but after watching Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail, I have decided to become a Democrat.

Throughout my life, I have paid for my own health insurance, saved for my own retirement, paid my way through college, and along comes this wonderful politician that offers much of it for free. If she had come along when I was in my 20's , I would be writing this as a life long Democrat.

Hillary is proposing that every newborn baby be given a free $5000 gift from the government to be used for college, upon reaching age 18...or the funds could also be used to buy a house. We have six children and six grandchildren, and have helped many of them buy a house, and most of them with their college expenses. Now along comes a politician that proposes that the government help, or in some cases, pay all of these expenses. If she had only come along when we were younger!

Hillary is also offering all Americans government subsidized health care. After all these years of paying large insurance premiums, finally someone has come up with a solution - have the government pay most of it. Where was she when we were paying $800 a month for health insurance (with a 30% deductible). I am amazed that no one has thought of this before.

Hillary's latest proposal is a $1000 contribution from the government to all Americans to insure they start their own pension plan. We worked all our lives and saved to insure that we could live through retirement using our own finances, and now along comes this presidential candidate that offers much of it for free. Again, where was she when I was young? At least she will take care of our six children and six grandchildren. The idea is simple...unless you are "rich", the government gives you whatever you need...brilliant.

I am 68 years old and have worked hard all my life, and thought I was somewhat intelligent. But I am amazed that it never occurred to me that the solution to the struggles we all face in life are simple, turn to the government and ask them to pay. I have now decided to be a Democrat, and Hillary has my vote.

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