Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Golden Voice

There is an old story in business about this company that had a "super salesman". Whenever he met with customers he always knew what to say, and on almost every sales visit he closed the deal. Customers loved him and he was by far the the best salesman in the company. So when there was an opening for a Sales Manager, he got the "promotion". There he was, instead of being in the field socializing with customers and closing sales, now he was in his office, dealing with budgets, sales forecasts, personnel problems, and management meetings. Within a year he was a failure at being a Sales Manager and was fired. When asked what happened he said, "It was quite a change, there I sat in my office with nothing but my golden voice".

Are we seeing this in the Presidential campaign? The stakes are much larger. No one can dispute that Barac Obama has the golden voice of a talented salesman. He is young, charismatic, likable, and says all the right things required to close the deal...the "customers" love him. It looks like the Democratic electorate may make him their nominee. And then the American public could promote him to be their most senior manager, or more precisely - our President, and the leader of the free world. If that happens, let's hope he doesn't sit and reflect in the Oval Office, and realize that he has nothing but his "golden voice"...and sadly, it would be four years before we could "fire" him.

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