Monday, March 10, 2008

Ya gotta have "balls"

Most of us believe in ourselves, and sometimes even think we are better than we actually are. But that is OK, "self confidence" is a virtue and a very valuable character trait.

But the Clinton's, along with their arrogance, have taken "self confidence" to a level never reached before. Barack Obama has won twice as many primary states as Hillary Clinton. He has won almost a million more popular votes, and he is ahead in "pledged" delegates by over 100. Yet Bill Clinton in a speech this weekend suggested it would be a "dream ticket" if both Democratic candidates ran together. And then Hillary shortly thereafter (during which I am sure was a planned interview) said, "I would be proud to have Barack Obama as my Vice Presidential running mate". Is this hubris or what? This is a woman that has been in second place for most of the Democratic race, and now offers the first place candidate her running mate slot - this lady has "balls".

I believe that the Clintons have convinced themselves that they are "entitled" to eight more years in the White House, and are oblivious to the real world right now. And they will probably pull every dirty trick out of the book during this primary season to somehow get her a win. I hope the Obama campaign is ready for a tough fight...this will be fun to watch.

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