Friday, July 18, 2008

He "Walks on Water"

Some talk show hosts jokingly call Barack Obama the "messiah". He is charismatic, and when he has a teleprompter, an impressive public speaker. Unfortunately when he has to speak off the cuff, you have to wonder how this guy ever became a candidate for the most important job in the world. It is painful to watch him stutter and stammer through an unrehearsed press conference.

The American people are starving for a leader. It is pitiful that Barack Obama and John McCain are the best we could come up with. Obama is not a leader but his "handlers" are making him look like one. They are running a brilliant campaign choreographed to the last detail along with the help of the main stream media (who even threw Hillary "under the bus" in favor of this charismatic politician). His handlers carefully manage his appearances making sure he does not get into a situation where he has to answer tough questions.

His African American heritage will also get Obama more than 90% of the black vote, which in a country whose electorate is split down the middle, could make the difference in an election. What is interesting is that if you look at his ancestry he is only 25% Black, 25% Arab, and 50% Caucasian. But like all good politicians he plays the cards that will get him the most votes.

McCain has the experience and certainly has demonstrated much more leadership than Obama, but he is old; not just old chronologically, but he also represents "old Washington". He has almost abandoned his Conservative base, and with the voters 10% approval rating of Washington politicians along with their frustration with the Iraq war, he has many hurdles to climb to become the next President.

And now along comes charasmatic Obama with his "hope" and "change" campaign. Many people have embraced him for the "change" reason only, because if their dissatisfaction with Washington and the war. He has done little of any significance in his career, yet could be looking at the "perfect storm" for an unqualified politician, and be elected the leader of the free world... remarkable.

Obama may be crowned in January and the Democrats will most likely be in control of the House and Senate. If so, the next four years will be an adventure for the American public - more programs, more regulations, more taxes, and more government spending of money we do not have. But on the other hand, if you need an "entitlement" you will be in luck. As Michele Obama has said "The fortunate in this country need the realize they will have to share with the less fortunate".

Even though we seem to be heading down the "socialist" road, I am an eternal optimist and believe the American electorate will see through the smoke and media hype and somehow we will find the right path.


Anonymous said...

Yes, He appears to "walk on water" but I think it's because he doesn't know how to swim. If elected he may drown and I'm afraid he will take the rest of us with him.
Cuz Dave

Anonymous said...

This is the first time in all my voting years (I'll be 60 next month) that I'm truly concerned about the future leadership of our great nation. Clearly, Obama has a good shot at being elected, although for the wrong reasons. And, experience is not one of them if he does get elected. I feel that electing a president is akin to getting on an airplane with your family, neighbors and best friends. It's always comforting to look into the cockpit and see 'some' gray hair there that only comes with experience. I know who I would rather have at the controls with plenty of rough weather still ahead.


Michael Strickland said...

"Unfortunately when he has to speak off the cuff, you have to wonder how this guy ever became a candidate for the most important job in the world."

Um... have you seen (or listened to) who's been in the Oval Office for the past eight years?

McCain and Obama may both suck, but that doesn't mean we have to vote for one or the other. (I won't be.)