Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"The greatest job in the world"

Think about it...the greatest job in the world is to be an incompetent Democratic Politician who is black.

We all have jobs and our performance in those jobs usually determines the future of our career. If we do not perform, we lose our job...unless we have a fallback position...the "race card". Many black politicians are in a no lose situation; if they do not perform their jobs, they are not necessarily in trouble with their constituents, they have an option; "People are against me because I am black". They can pull the race card from the bottom of the deck anytime and move it to the top.

I don't mean this to be a blanket condemnation; there are many good public servants on both sides of the aisle both black and white. But it is sickening to see the race card played again and again.

More than half of Americans are against Obama's health care plan and these Americans have valid concerns that have nothing to do with race. But starting with our former President Jimmy Carter the race card is now being played big time:

Former President Jimmy Carter: "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward president Obama is because he is a black man". Carter fails to mention that 53% of the electorate voted for Obama.

Representative Hank Johnson, Georgia: "I guess we'll probably have folks putting on white hoods and white robes again and riding through the countryside intimidating people".

Gov. David Paterson, New York: "I and other black politicians are being judged by the color of our skin".

Rep. Dianne Watson, Los Angeles: "They are spreading fear and trying to see that the first President that looks like me fails".

Rep. Charles Rangle, New York: "Some Americans have not gotten over the fact that Obama is President. They go to sleep wondering 'How did this happen?'". Charlie Rangle is under investigation for tax evasion, failure to report millions in assets, and a half dozen other ethics complaints. 'But of course he is black and that is why people are after him'.

Maureen Dowd, New York Times: "What Rep. Joe Wilson meant to say was 'You lie boy!'".

These comments drive me crazy. If you disagree with a black politician you are a racist. I have never been a racist, but here goes:

"Barack Obama is an incompetent President that is not up to the job. He has never run a company, he has no business experience, he has nationalized the auto industry, he has no foreign policy experience, he has created a national debt that will take generations to pay off, he is an admitted socialist, and he is taking this country toward some very serious problems that will affect every American".

There I've said it, and I am now officially a "bigot". If anyone reading this blog has access to a white hood and robe send them to me, I might as well play the part.


Michael Strickland said...

I guess it runs in the family; I am a racist also. (click link)

Chuckie D said...

Yes I remember your blog and sadly little has changed since then...the situation is probably even worse. The Obama administration uses the race card in a subtle way; whenever there is criticism they use surrogates to get out there and stir the pot accusing opponents of racism - it never comes directly from the administration. It would not surprise me if they knew about Jimmy Carter's statements before he made them. I think it is backfiring big time.