Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is he a Marxist? - correction

In a recent blog post I wrote about a a thesis that President Obama produced while at Columbia. I checked this report out on Snopes and found no information regarding whether it was true or false, and I have found Snopes to be very reliable.

One of my readers pointed out that this quote from Obama's thesis may be a hoax. So I checked it out further and find that it was written as "satire". So in the interest of keeping this blog accurate I now believe the thesis quote was not made by Obama, and I certainly do not want to come across as a "right wing extremist".

This does not change the other points in the blog, so I ask again - is he a Marxist? You make the call.


John Johnston said...

No, I don't think Obama is a Marxist. Labels on people don't really measure the person very well. The only real Marxist was Marx and his is a failed social system.

I think that Obama is an honest person who is trying to fix a broken system. The American system was founded on ideals that have sustained it through some pretty bad times but as an open system it is also open to abuse. When the abusers gain enough power to dramatically manipulate the system, then you have a problem and that is what we have now. The Bush years, or should I say the Chaney Years) will go down in history as a black time for this country. A Fascist was calling the shots for an uninvolved "Frat-boy" President and I am ashamed that I voted for them twice. I should have looked more at "their records" and voted on that basis rather than getting swept up in the "Republican Moment" of the times. Their business cronies pilfered the Treasury while thousands of good young people were slaughtered in a misbegotten war that benefited profiteers; while "our" civil rights were marginalized in the name of "national security".

Maybe we (and that includes me) don't agree with a lot of what is going on, but to do "nothing" by continuing the status quo is even more unacceptable. I think every system needs a good shake-up occasionally, then the good systems will right themselves. That happened in 1776 and look what we got out of it....the greatest nation in the history of the world. The USA will survive Barack Obama and I think the country will be better for the experience. We survived Jimmy Carter and he was much the same as Barack Obama in terms of his ideology.......Obama may be a better manager of people than Carter though. Look who we got after Carter........!!

If the Republican Party would clean its (our) own house first then putting oun own people in office would be much easier. The Republican Party is it's own worst enemy now.....Republican Leaders are all Right Wing equivalents of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. To get rid of those Democrat extremists we have to put our own back in the box they popped out of. Extremist Republican's are a minority in this country. As long as they run the Party we will never have a say in our Government.

Chuckie D said...

"The only real Marxist was Marx" is a bit of a play on words. Philosophically speaking Obama is as close to being a devout Socialist as Marx was, and is as far left as any President in my lifetime.

I also do not believe Obama is an honest person. If he was, why would he abandon all his past associations (Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, etc.), just to get elected? Why woulld he say that he will have the most "open" administration in history and then develop major legislation like the Stimulus bill, the proposed Health Care bill, and the future "Cap and Trade" bill, in complete secrecy. Let's remember he promised to post all proposed legislation on the internet for the American public to review yet has not done it once. Most of his administration did not even READ the Stimulus or House health legislation before passing it. This country has been driven into massive debt by politicians that have no idea what future problems they are creating for this country.

I also voted for Bush twice and was very disappointed with the -overspending, the Iraq war,etc. But if Bush is a "frat boy", Obama is a "frat pledge" with no experience or idea how to manage anything. And if Cheny was a facist, at least he wasnt an empty suit blowhard like Joe Biden. Let's remember the "broken system" Obama is trying to fix, to a large extent is due to the sub-prime Fanny/Freddie debacle championed by Barney frank and Chris Dodds.

It is a shame that this country cannot come up with better leaders, but maybe it's because the real talent in this country do not want to have anything to do with politics.