Thursday, January 7, 2010


I watched Obama's speech today about "how we need to increase our security" along with another dozen platitudes, and my head was ready to explode. His speech was so canned, I could predict within a second when he would turn from one teleprompter to the other. He now claims to get serious with these "few extremist Muslims" that are trying to kill Americans.

Think about it...during the past year a Muslim extremist killed an Army recruiter in Arkansas, then a Muslim Army officer at Fort Hood killed 14 innocent people (including one unborn child), and now the Muslim "crotch bomber" came close to killing almost 300 people in the air, and who knows how many on the ground. All of these terrorists are being given the "rights" of American citizens and will go through jury trials as ordinary criminals instead of military tribunals which have always been this country's wartime tradition. Most Americans will agree that we are at war with these Muslim extremists.

After his arrest the "crotch bomber" started to talk about his training in Yemen and he even hinted that future attacks were being planned against the USA. But then when he was detained as a common criminal instead of a wartime combatant, he was given a lawyer, and he shut up. No longer can we interrogate him.

The final straw was when NYC Mayor Bloomberg announced yesterday that the civilian criminal trial of Sheik Khalid Mohammad and his associates would cost New York City $216 million for security the first year and an estimated $206 million per year thereafter. This will be a "show trial" that will give AL Qaeda and Khalid a world stage to promote their Jihad philosophy. Here is a terrorist that has claimed total responsibility for the 911 planning and has even requested to be executed. He should be taken out to the back lot at Guantanamo, reminded of how he beheaded Danny Pearl, and then given the same treatment.

I have thought all along that Obama was just stupid and incompetent, but I am now starting to believe that he and his cohorts know exactly what they are doing and want to change this country from the bottom up. They believe this country should be taken down - we are Imperialists, we control too much of the wealth of the world, and they want to maintain control by making the average American slowly becoming dependent on the US government.

It's "madness" Obama, but it is not going to work. Every day I talk to more people that are just getting fed up and disillusioned at his socialist mentality and his glorious but empty speeches. And if there is one more attack on this country, one that kills a lot of people, I predict Obama's golden voice will turn to stone.

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