Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obama fatigue

Is anyone besides me sick of seeing Obama on television EVERY day making a speech? This narcissistic orator believes all he has to do is stand up, turn on his golden voice and all the country's problems will get better. On the contrary, the more he spews his line of BS the more this country continues down the wrong path.

The financial madness in Washington is beyond anything I have seen in my lifetime and the spending just seems to continue with the national debt approaching $13 trillion. Who will pay the bill? Obama says that only people making over $250,000 will see their taxes increase. In one of his latest blustering homilies he informed us that a "Commission" has been formed to come up with recommendations on how to reduce the out-of-control national debt. The reason for this Commission confused me so I decided to go back and read again that document that our President and Congress seems to have forgotten about - the US Constitution.

The constitution states that; "the Congress shall have the power to borrow money, collect taxes, and pay the country's debts". We elect 435 Representatives and 100 Senators to manage the country's finances; supposedly our best and brightest people. Then why do we need a special Commission to tell them how to do their job? I'll tell you why - FOR POLITICAL COVER.

There is no way our national debt can be reduced without drastically reducing spending or increasing taxes on everyone. But Obama has promised that "No one under income levels of $250K will see their taxes go up one dime". Since the government is the only part of this economy growing and with Democrats in charge, do not expect to see any significant spending cuts. I predict that this Commission of 10 Democrats and 8 Republicans will recommend tax increases on everyone in the form of a "Value Added Tax (VAT)"...similar to what they do in Europe. And Obama will respond by making another speech and telling the American public; "I promised not to raise taxes, but I must follow the recommendations of this Commission". He will do this to hopefully get him, his administration, and Congress off the hook - it won't work.

I predict a VAT is on the horizon folks, probably 5-10% on top of everything you buy...in addition to state and local sales taxes. Ironically this will have the most damaging effect on the poorer citizens of this country; the citizens that the Democrats claim to protect the most. And the effect on the overall US economy could be disastrous.

VAT - watch for it.


Michael Strickland said...

Looks like the next spending spree ($6 billion) will be "Cash for Caulkers," another brilliant idea (sarcasm intended):

Under the proposal, homeowners could be eligible for up to $3,000 in rebates for purchases of efficient product upgrades or whole-house audits/retrofits.

Chuckie D said...

I have my caulking gun locked and loaded. I'm gonna get me some of that free government money