Monday, October 17, 2011

"Occupy this"

Drugs, sex in the streets, disorganized people that can't come up with a coherent message, and unsanitary conditions, Occupy Wall Street has aptly been called the "Flea Party". But thanks to George Soros and his money, trade unions, complicit media, and even encouragement from President Obama and many Democrats, this movement has had more coverage in a month than the Tea Party has had since they became a force in American politics.

This is a classic example of the uphill battle anyone but a liberal movement has in getting their message out.  All we read about is the "Occupy" protests, not just here but around the world this weekend. But what are they protesting?  I have watched interviews of various protesters without seeing any focused thought.

But one "focused" thought has come from Herman Cain; "This movement is designed to take attention away from the failed policies of the Obama administration". And he is exactly right. When you cannot run on your record, and all your excuses have failed, create an enemy to attack, and hope people will buy it.  The enemy - rich people, Wall Street, George Bush, and as one black lady in the 'LA Occupy' protest proudly stated on television today; "We need to collect the rich Jews that control everything and send them out of the country". I wonder how Steven Spielberg and all his Jewish friends in Hollywood feel about that liberal protester's statement?

It is amazing that all this vicious energy is directed against corporate millionaires but not the Hollywood millionaires. Sean Penn recently stated that the Tea Party wants to 'lynch' Obama and Morgan Freeman said "The Tea Party is a racist thing".  Yet not one in the main stream media has reported the anti-Semitic, lynch Bush, arrest rich people comments of these so-called protesters.

This strategy by the Democrats is going to fail, Americans are not that stupid. We don't need income redistribution, we need jobs. Most Americans don't want a handout, they want the satisfaction of working with the opportunity to make something of themselves; they do not want a "Cuban" or "Venezuelan" society.

Obama and his handlers are making a huge mistake in trying to divide this country and create a class war.  Even with the main stream media on his side his effort to divert attention from the miserable economy will not work. The "pay your fair share" argument won't fly when almost 50% of wage earners pay NO income tax.  Even if the taxes on all so-called rich people were doubled it would not make a dent in the deficit.

Ironically, in the last election Obama received more contributions from Wall Street than any President in history. That will not happen this time around. But he had to create a villain and they are it. He is not stupid, he knows exactly what he is doing, but I believe in Americans and his "class strategy" is not going to work.


Pat m said...

I admit I am no expert, but didn't Oboma give a handout to the very corporations he is attacking? Maybe we should just use flee spray on all these protesters and they will have to leave. Asking them politley to leave doesn't seem to work. It is almost laughable.

Jeff Pokrajac said...

Erin Burnett recently interviewed an out of work software programmer and informed him that the bulk of the TARP was paid back with interest and that the federal government made a profit. This was very clever of CNN (Corporate News Network) to point out... when TARP was less than 5% of the bailout and the disastrous float continues. The Fed spends more money than Congress! And it's totally unaccounted for! Some $14 trillion dollars of the bailout is floating out there diluting our dollar and with it our national wealth and this privately-owned banking cartel known as the Fed, no more federal than Federal Express, continues to set interest rates and the money supply in a way reminiscent of the Soviet politburo-style central economic planning. We don't live in a free-market capitalist society, the system is rigged from the bottom on up! The Fed and it's six bankster elites control our economy. From there it's a corporate oligopoly. There are a few thousand elites who control the majority shares in this Corporatocracy who skim the profits and divert assets into offshore partnerships, private equity and public-private partnerships they control. They are the preferred shareholders and Class-A voting shareholders where the public and those holding shares through their mutual funds have common Class-B shares with diluted voting rights! Basically the average worker's 401K has no power in these organizations and the SEC continues under Chris Cox and now Mary Schapiro to fail to protect average investors while Wall Street and the banksters rape us! There is such an obscene revolving door between Wall Street investment banksters and those at the highest level of "public service"... there's nothing "public" about their service... they are there to protect their interests in the house - I say "house" as in the Vegas term where the casino is "the house". The Fed spends our national wealth like its theirs and when they do it serves their member banks and those foreign banks operating outside our great nation! We the People are the forgotten people! We need a R3volution! Vote Ron Paul 2012!