Tuesday, October 30, 2012


In seven days we will elect a new President and the country will either embark on a new path or continue on its present path which is a downward spiral toward becoming a European style Social Democracy. If Barack Obama is re-elected in my opinion we will not recognize this country in four years and the new "norms" will be:
- Over 7% unemployment on a permanent basis with a significant segment of the employed in low paying jobs.
- Upwards of 50% of the country on some sort of government support (welfare, subsidized housing, food stamps, etc.)
- An increase in taxes across-the-board to pay for government programs and to service the country's enormous debt.
- 2% or less annual economic growth. 
- For those buying their own medical insurance, premiums will skyrocket and those receiving insurance from their company will either see it cancelled or their company contribution toward insurance increased dramatically.
- $4:00 + gasoline on a permanent basis.
- The stock market will crash again and the USA could default on their loan payments.
- The Mid-East will go up in flames.
-  The European Union will start to break up with the possibility of Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy going bankrupt or defaulting on their bond payments.

OK...this is a "doomsday" scenario, but it's my Blog so I get to give my opinion. One thing is for sure, Barack Obama has been a failure as President and as a world leader.

A friend of mine predicts Obama will get 340+ electoral votes in a landslide election. It's true that the incumbent has a distinct advantage, especially with a crooked Chicago political machine behind him. I suspect at this point 99% of voters have made up their mind, so the election has probably been determined and we will see the result next Tuesday.

But I must travel in a "Republican bubble". If I think about the top 100 people in my life - family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances that I have regular contact with, I can count the people I know will vote for Obama on one hand...and I live in liberal California.

I'm not going to let my optimistic nature set me up for a big disappointment next Tuesday, but I think my friend is dead wrong. This country cannot be that stupid. If Mitt Romney wins and Republicans end up with at least 50 seats in the Senate it will be celebration time, and repeal of Obamacare will be the first order of business.

If Obama wins, I will accept the people's choice and as the French say: "Take life as it falls at your feet".


Michael Strickland said...

Yes, you live in a Conservative Republican bubble; I'd say you need a little more diversity in your "Top 100." :-)

But I agree that a "landslide" victory for Obama is a fantasy. This one will be too close to call (though hopefully not decided by the Supremes, like in 2000).I predict Romney by 2%. And four more years of an incredibly divided populace.

Chuckie D said...

I don't choose my friends or acquaintances based on their politics. So philosophically the conservative "chemistry" must click when I meet people. I'm not going to seek out Democrats just to get more "diversity" in my circle friends.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back again. I missed the Posts and I'm glad to see one before the "closing bell" on this election. I agree, the election is decided at this point and the Pundits will probably say Sandy had some impact.....I don't think so, but they will need yet another nebulous excuse for whatever their position may be.

People are sick of this campaign and the nastiness it generated. This polarization of our society is distinctly "un-American" and hopefully the situation will repair itself over time. However, the polarization did give us a clear choice and, in my opinion, neither one was good. I think it came down to an extreme fixation on fiscal issues versus quality of life for the public as a whole. There is an acceptable middle ground.

With Obama I see great financial risk for the Nation; with Romney I see a "rape" of natural resources, education and regulations designed to protect the country, and an even larger hidden class of people below the poverty line. Either way, there was no win here for this country.

Clean house, and vote out all incumbants, regardless of the Party.

Unknown said...

Your state has 0% chance of sending its electoral votes to anyone but Obama. If you're going to send a protest vote, pull the lever for Gary Johnson!

Anonymous said...

Our Region in Utah reported 3.5% unemployment with the stats this morning. It never got over about 6% but the State is essentially a Party line vote for Republicans. National Republicans don't spend any time here during Campaigns except to solicit donations, and Democrats routinely write off the State as a lost cause. There is one exception, Jim Matheson, a lone Moderate Democrat in a sea of Republicans.....go figure.

Chuckie D said...

I find Anonymous' comment interesting. In one breath he says: "polarization of our society is distinctly un-American" and then in the next breath says: "Romney will "rape" our Nation of natural resources, education, and regulations".

Chuckie D said...

@Mike Craig - Hope springs eternal, someday Californians will wake up or the state will go bankrupt (it's already insolvent). Watch for the vote on Proposition 30. If the people of this state vote themselves ANOTHER tax increase, the mass exodus of the 'producers' will begin leaving those riding in the wagon without anyone to pull it.