Wednesday, June 22, 2016

"The Race to the Bottom"

The recent speeches by Hillary and Trump give us a preview of where this election season will be going once the conventions are over and the general election campaign begins. The candidates are going straight to the sewer of politics folks and we need to get ready for three months of pure bullshit that has nothing to do with the problems facing this country.

Hillary called Trump a thief, a 'griffter', dishonest businessman screwing his suppliers, mentally unstable', involved in 3500 lawsuits during his career, and not qualified to be President.

Trump called Hillary the most corrupt politician that has ever run for president, reminded us of her almost treasonous behavior while letting the Ambassador and his supporters be murdered while doing nothing, then blaming it on a video, trading millions of donations from countries for special favors once she becomes president, accepting millions for speeches from Wall Street while refusing to release transcripts of those speeches, and finally the only presidential candidate running for office that is under criminal investigation.

Even if half of these claims are true by each of these candidates, this great country has come up with two "bottom feeders" to run for the most powerful office in the world. I'm not sure we deserve any congratulations.

I cannot fact check the accusations against Trump and I am not really a supporter. But I have followed Bill and Hillary Clinton's careers for decades and if anything I would add many accusations to her and her husband's performance while in office. Let's not forget Whitewater, FBI files, Vince Foster suicide, all the women Bill has molested including his disgusting sexual dalliances in the Oval Office and I could go on. How the hell do we come up with these so-called leaders? It makes one feel that the average guy no longer has a say.

Having said all this I will hold my nose and do everything I can to see that Hillary is not elected and the Clinton's become a "black blip" in US history.


Jim said...

Hey Chuck, to fact check go to

Nighthawk said...

With respect Chuck, if you are going to attach your vote to Trump, you should fact check what he says. Facts are real eye openers. I think you will find that the Naton is between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Either choice is a loose, and the only thing that will stop either of them is a Congress that won't rubber stamp the Presidential proposals.

Rubio said it best in his speech today. To paraphrase....he's running again in FL to make sure the Senate fulfills its main purpose as a check on the Executive Branch. He also said he won't endorse Trump, and that if asked to speak at the Convention, which he may or may not attend, he will emphasize his agenda and values, not Trumps. WOW.....that is clearly a Party without leadership or focus.

Chuckie D said...

Well we have three choices - vote for Hillary, or Trump, or don't vote. We should all vote and Hillary is the worse choice of the "bottom feeders".

Chuckie D said...

...and Jim, as a Hillary supporter I'm sure you have thoroughly checked out her and Bills past on

Bob Catalano said...

If I understand the thoughts correctly, Chuck is anticipating a serious gutter fight between Hillary and Trump right up to election day. JJ has an interesting conspiracy theory and JB is watching the arguments from the sidelines, which is probably the smart thing to do.

My thought is strictly my gut feeling going back to the beginning of the primary debates. My early thought was Trump was in the race to boost his ego with no expectation to actually land the Republican nomination. He presented a message that seemed to resonate with the people who have been disillusioned by Obama and the nanny-state policies coming from Hillary and that is a large segment of the American population.

Since Trump’s nomination has become a reality, he has been in an apparent fog making some outrageous statements that have not been good for his candidacy if he is to continue. There is serious doubt that Trump wants the job of President. Will he move forward with a serious campaign or will he drop back into the mode of bashing Hillary and spouting shallow platitudes. If the latter is his choice, then he should welcome getting blown away at the convention with Mitt Romney stepping up to go for the presidency.

Chuckie D said...

After checking into "unbiased" politifact it is like many similar websites with as many articles about it being inaccurate, as accurate. In fact one politifact summary showed that Hillary, Bill, and Obama told the truth more than almost all of the republican primary candidates. That in itself is a joke and tells you something.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be interesting if we could 'reset' this entire election matter now that we've seen their true colors over and over again. After all that has come out on both sides, I really wonder if both Hillary and Trump would still be where they are today if a reset came about. What a pitiful state this country of ours is in having to pick between these two. This sort of thing would never happen during our parent's generation, that's for sure. I'm still hoping that something dramatic will happen such as Hillary getting indicted and/or the RNC pulling a fast one on Trump with Mitt, or perhaps someone else, getting the nomination. We shall see, gents! JB

Chuckie D said...

We can hope JB. I can't imagine Hillary would ever be indicted with Loretta Lynch and Obama making the final decision. But the FBI are supposedly 'straight arrows' so if they recommend indictment it will leak out.

The Republican Convention definitely will be interesting and I would love to see Trump get booted but that also is hard to imagine.