Thursday, November 10, 2016

"A Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue"

My Blog readers know my site has been silent for some time. On August 27th my wife Peggy had a significant stroke (the night after my last post), and my life since then has been consumed with her recovery. Stroke recovery takes patience and good therapists, and I am pleased to say she continues to improve and hopefully will be coming home in a few weeks.

After this historical election I wanted to post a Blog, but just do not have the time. But a friend of mine sent me this after I asked him to be a guest Blogger.

By Robert Catalano

A Miracle on Pennsylvania Avenue:

On this day following Donald Trump's election to President of the United States, the tone of the nation reported through the usual media outlets is shock and disbelief.  The questions being asked around the opinion tables at CNN, that bastion of liberal political opinion disguised as real news and other mainstream media outlets, are beside themselves with shock.

This was not supposed to happen with Hillary Clinton leading in the major polls by as much as ten or more points for a while.  Donald Trump seemed to be making a fool of himself during the debates against Hillary and the Clinton campaign was into a major smear campaign against him.  Some media outlets were anticipating that Trump would undoubtedly drop out of the race with all of the baggage being reported against him.  Even the Republican establishment in Washington D.C. was pulling their endorsements and making statements that Trump was not electable.

What Donald Trump's opposition failed to recognize was the American people have had enough ultra-liberalism.  Four or eight more years of the same policies expressed by Obama through Hillary Clinton were unacceptable.  That factor coupled with the revelations about Hillary Clinton's disingenuous personality, consistent pattern of lying, the Clinton family pay-to-play schemes and the email scandal that she was unable to talk her way out of, sunk the Clinton ship. So in some ways it was not how well Trump performed, but how poorly Hillary and her campaign performed.

The media outlets appear to be in a dither now with the talking heads asking questions about Trump's plans for running the nation.  They must be in such shock that they are unable to remember Trumps campaign statements.  The essence of his plan has been reported to run our government like a business with key people in important positions.  He has promised to provide national governance that benefits our nation rather than the special interests that comprise the majority of the Democratic Party.

The future of America that our children and grandchildren will face is looking brighter today and looking forward, it is now all up to President-elect Donald Trump.


Nighthawk said...

I found it interesting that the man who pledged not to surround himself with Washington insiders, and who will "drain the swamp", has done just that. He remains what he was, one of two bad choices. He is also still a serial liar, a racist, a misogynist, a philanderer who cheated on his multiple wives, among other things. You will also note that he removed the Muslim "things" from his website. I suspect other "promises" will fade away. The good thing for the wealthy among us is that the markets recovered quickly and are rising. It remains to be seen what he can really get through Congress, particularly since he hasn't a clue how Congress actually works.

With all of the surprises in this election the biggest one of all would be if the electoral college members flip a few votes. They can do that you know, once elected, they can vote as they please in many States. Second Thoughts anyone?

Anonymous said...

First of all, let me say that Linda and I wish the very best for Peggy's full and complete recovery and that it happens as quickly as possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both during this difficult time.

Now on to this latest post...

Bob, you have done very well with keeping-up the CLS standard! I've always enjoyed your comments and this post is very well written. I have high hopes that Trump will make a positive change in the direction our great nation is heading. Let's hope he's able to follow through with his campaign promises. We shall see!

All the best...JB

Chuckie D said...

I know how you feel John, but accept the vote results and let's give the guy a chance. One thing we know for sure, Hillary would have been a disaster as President and as Bob says in his post, the folks were just not going to vote for four or eight more years of ultra-liberalism.

Robert (Bob) Catalano said...

The election is over and the campaign rhetoric is finished. Now is the time to support the new President regardless of the fact that he may not be a member of your party. President-elect Trump has until January 20, 2017 to put his administration together then begin moving ahead with his plans for the future of our nation.

Nighthawk said...

Of course I accept the vote Chuck. I'll comment that when Gore lost, but had the popular vote, Trump was very public about his comments concerning abolishing the Electoral College. As is typical, when it applies to him, he's changed his mind. However, it's a fact that until the EC votes, he's not President. If, in the virtually impossible situation that members of the EC abstain, or flip, he could still lose. That's the way it works in that screwy system. Time to change it.

Chuckie D said...

I disagree that the Electoral System should be abolished. It was a brilliant system put in by the founders to keep the population centers from controlling the election. Hillary may win the popular vote but only because California, New York and every major city in the USA is controlled by Democrats, so rural (mostly Republican voters) would never again have a say if it was just popular vote.

Jim Packer said...

Chuck, Please give Peggy my sincere concern for her health and hopes and prayers for a quick recovery. I know this is hard on you as well. Hang in there, while we all pull for a bright future.

Jim Packer

Robert (Bob) Catalano said...

You know folks, there is an important lesson to be learned from the protests in our major cities. Our American education system is doing a horrible job with civics lessons. The American people should know better than to go crazy with protests following a national election. Once the polls close and the ballots are tallied, it is all over. It is difficult to understand what those people hope to accomplish. Is that really what liberalism is all about?

Chuckie D said...

You are right Bob, especially violent protests that destruct other people's property and sometimes injure innocents. What is interesting - these are mostly young people who came out in low numbers to vote so they are partly for the blame for the result they didn't like.

Cathy said...

�� Well said Dad.

Nighthawk said...

Well, he is already starting to backup. Christie is on the way out; Trump is going to keep the two pillars of the ACA, and may consider modifying the Act instead of replacing it; the Muslim rants are off his website; he brought Peter Thiel in as a Senior Advisor (openly and aggressively gay millionaire); he has brought those nasty lobbiests that are in the swamp into his transition team, if the "wall" goes away I think we can assume he is renegotiating the deal after the contract is signed....typical Trump.

Nighthawk said...

They are impart and frustrated Bob. It's normal in such a highly charged Campaign. We have seen it before. It will stop when it burns out. This too will pass.

Nighthawk said...

.....upset and frustrated...

Nighthawk said...

Very true Chuck. Had they voted and not reacted the outcome might have been different. No sympathy due here.

Nighthawk said...

So today we find out the Trumpsterfire has assigned a white supremacist, and anti-Semite the position of Senior Advisor. It just keeps getting better and better.

Robert (Bob) Catalano said...

JJ, it is improper to refer to President-elect Trump as the Trumpster, which gives the reader the impression that you are one of the misguided protesters. Now is the time to stand with President-elect Trump in support, not as a Democrat or a Republican, but as an American. It is important to keep in mind that this election was much more of a repudiation of liberalism than a personality contest between the candidates.

Nighthawk said...

Freedom of Speech Bob, he gets my respect when he earns it. So far, he hasn't shown much Presidential restraint. He's also not President until Jan 20. He remains the Trumpster to me, and he is a Trumpsterfire in action.

One positive appointment to offset the Bannon appolintment is Priebus. Although I don't agree with many of his positions, he is a rational thinker. Bannon is a racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobe, just like his boss. I wonder who will prevail over the long haul, P or B.

One strategy might be to continue peaceful demonstrations, strongly critical comment, and jokes about his appearance throughout his Presidency. That will keep him reacting on Twitter with no time to do much real damage. Except for the first item, demonstrations, that sounds remarkably like the way Obama was treated for eight years.

Nighthawk said...

I don't know where the idea of "giving" the President a chance came from. We don't have to give him anything, nor would we have owed HRC, "a chance". This isn't like the military where you take an oath to obey all lawful orders, and you respect the rank of your superior officers. The President works for "us", he has to prove himself to "us", every damn day with his demeanor, his decisions and his actions. He is not a King, he is not smarter, better, or specially endowed by the Creator over us. This particular President elect has given new meaning to the phrase "disrespect of others" by his conduct to date. You want me to "respect" him and give him a more than I would have her, and that was none, until he proves he is governing for all Americans, not just those that voted for him. You can bet I will be very vocal about every tiny failure and flaw, and I will actively and vocally work to end his Presidency after 4 years starting from Jan 20, 2017. However, "if" he steps up to the challenge, and does work for us all.....and I don't mean do what I see is best....if, he does make decisions based on logic, data and a desire for a good result, "then" I will become one of his strongest supporters.

His tweets about the NYT, and his appointment of Bannon are not an auspicious start.

Nighthawk said...

Chuck was very vocal on this BLOG over the past 8 years regarding Obama, and I have no doubt he would have been equally vocal regarding HRC, had she won. He also indicated that while he voted for Trump, he did not support him fully. I hope that he continues his incisive critical thinking and commentary with Trump. It's not our job, as thinking citizens, to simply fall in line with "the benevolent leader". If he's doing a good job he doesn't need our pats on the back. He should not be a kindergarten child who needs support. If he is failing he does need truthful and constructive criticism. I hope Chucks comment continues as constructively critical and not just as a rubber stamp Administration cheerleader.

A fact is that Republicans had a net loss of seats in both the House and Senate. The Popular vote now appears to be reaching about 2.3 million in favor of HRC. That is an unheard of majority in this situation, and is even greater than many Presidents who won both the Popular and Electoral College. Trump does not have a mandate by any stretch of the imagination. If he and the RP do what the Democrats did under Pelosi/Reid/Obama the backlash will be significant. Let's hope he has yet unrevealed talents, and that he/Ryan/McConnell do a better job of effecting change than the DP did.