Hillary won big in South Carolina with a 50 point win in the primary. The turnout of voters was down as it has been in all the Democratic primaries so far, which indicates a lack of enthusiasm, but she carried the black vote by a large margin. It amazes me that the black vote is so monolithic supporting democrats exclusively, especially Hillary in this primary.
Why do blacks and to a certain extent Latinos, vote almost exclusively democratic? Here is what I don't understand - after 8 years of a black president, black unemployment and poverty are at an all-time high and yet the black community still supports any democratic candidate. If you look at every city where black ghettos exist and black people are mired in poverty, there is one constant - the city has been
run for decades by democrats. These communities have a 70% birth rate to a single parent, education is poor because the teachers unions have stifled performance, and drugs are rampant. And yet these folks continue to support a president that offered "Hope" to everyone, especially those minority communities.
But this is not a big issue to most democrats in power, they want a "coalition of the dependent" and I believe without them the Democratic party would not exist, and they know it. Race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton's livelihood and power would not exist without this dependent coalition. Teachers unions in poor communities have locked the education system into mediocrity, charter schools are discouraged, and welfare has kept people into poverty as a lifestyle.
Bernie Sanders' enthusiasm is fading, but give him credit for being honest; he understands the problem in minority communities and is serious about solving it. I don't agree with his solution of more dependency, but to watch Hillary pandering to the black vote is sickening. Unfortunately the democratic machine is too strong to be defeated by the idealism of the millenniums and disaffected democrats of Sanders supporters. At least Bernie is honest about being a socialist, Hillary is a socialist in sheep's clothing and will lie whenever and wherever it is required to further her candidacy.
Jack Kemp was a former NFL quarterback and conservative Congressman. Many reading this Blog do not remember him, but he proposed for many years a system of "Enterprise Zones" in minority communities that taught residents the free enterprise system and assisted them in setting up small businesses; he believed that would "feed" on itself and he was probably right. Once people experience the free enterprise system they will never go back.
So how do you eliminate the coalition of the dependent? I believe in to ways; an education system that produces people that think for themselves and the restoration of the family unit. If you are a child born without a family unit, you start out in life with a big disadvantage. I feel sorry for the millions of black folks that idealistically voted for "hope and change" and 8 years later have lost "hope" and have experienced no "change".
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Your title term, Coalition of Dependent, has become somewhat of an elitist punching bag in America. Your blog on the subject blames the problem on teacher’s unions and welfare. Other really ignorant people blame the problem on teachers. Teacher’s unions do not control the curriculum in the public schools or the social conditions in the neighborhoods. That is the province of school district administrators, city and state level boards or education, and federal level directives. The policy of education in America dictates that all children should at least graduate from high school. To make that possible, the curriculum in the public schools must be watered down to the point where every child can pass regardless of their individual abilities. That is the essence of the ‘No Child Left Behind’ program established by President Bush. If the public schools don’t conform to those dictates, their funding can and will be reduced or curtailed.
The colleges and universities have been under extreme pressure to admit a racially balanced student body under federal ‘Equal Opportunity Law’. For someone to ask the question, “How does a 95 IQ African American or Latino student survive if they are admitted to MIT?” If the minorities end up flunking out, federal research grants and other financial programs will dry up, so what does the school do? They pass the minorities with C grades as a minimum. Of course there are some minorities with the required intelligence to do well in their studies. To conform over a period of time, they cut back the curriculum. Do medical students really need to memorize Gray’s Anatomy and learn Latin? Do engineering majors need to have almost a minor in mathematics? Why does an electrical engineer need to study advanced calculus if the curriculum is based on discussions on the merits of the subject with an emphasis on writing sales materials and reports for funding projects.
Enough said on our declining quality of education. The more important factor to think about is a question of why. Poorly educated people tend to be easy marks for the latest consumer gadgets. They tend to vote along party lines with no thought given to the skill or quality of the candidates on the ballot. A dependent class of undereducated and ignorant people are very easily manipulated. We live in the me, me, me and now, now, now society today with way too many ignorant fools. The very thought of hard work and dedication to master a persons skill is not part of the American ethos today.
Is it possible to recover from the death spiral that our nation is in? That doesn’t look very promising when we look at the current collection of hucksters in the presidential race within both parties.
I agree Bob, and your statement "The very thought of hard work and dedication to master a persons skill is not part of the American ethos today", is right on the mark.
The collection of hucksters leading this primary race certainly tells us a lot about the voting public in this country. But I am more of an optimist, no matter who we elect as our next so-called "leader", the USA will survive just fine.
I recently saw the following video which speaks volumes relating to the overall matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_YQ8560E1w I think he hits the nail on the head with much of what he has to say. JB
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