'Chaos': Complete confusion and disorder: a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything.
That sounds about where we are in this election season. We started out with an interesting array of candidates: a combination of establishment Republicans and Conservatives on the Republican side and a combination of Socialists on the Democratic side (one who is on her way to being indicted).
Both of the last debates were meaningless:
The Democratic debate was a yawner; you could have slept through three fourths of it without missing anything. Both socialist candidates tried to outdo each other offering potential voters every entitlement in the book without any requirement to work for it, and with the same tired message "The system is rigged, you don't have a chance, and the successful people in this country should redistribute some of their wealth to you", without any discussion of how in the world it would be paid for. What I found despicable was Bernie and Hillary's disparagement of this country, the police in this country, and the successful people in this country in their blatant attempt to pander to the 'Black Lives Matter' group and the poor and minority vote in general.
The Republican debate was a "food fight". As a Conservative I was embarrassed especially with Donald Trump who was his usual bombastic, arrogant self but made statements that were outrageous. Any reasonable person, either Democrat or Republican does not believe George Bush was responsible for 9/11. Trump is the antithesis of decorum. So rather than discuss issues we saw two hours of stupid attacks. It is interesting that Trump still leads by a large margin in the polls and now adding to the chaos, today he was threatening again to run as an Independent if the RNC doesn't "treat him better".
If you look at Trump and Bernie, both candidates that should not even be in the running, you can only conclude there is significant anger against the 'establishment' in this voter base.
But now add to the chaos the death of Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia, Bloomberg's threat to jump in as an Independent, Hillary's potential for implosion if she gets indicted, and the growing controversy over Super Delegates . Hillary already has 361 Super delegates pledged to her even though Bernie is way ahead in votes. The fix is in folks, poor Bernie Dangerfield "gets no respect' and if Hillary gets indicted Joe Biden has his white horse saddled and ready to ride in.
If this was not such a serious election it would be fun watching all this chaos, but at least there will be plenty to Blog about and it will be interesting.
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Cruz and Sanders are looking like the picks. Tough choice for an honest Conservative. Do you vote the Party line, even if it means supporting a serial liar; or do you vote for an honest man, that espouses a fiscal policy that is diametrically different from yours. Interesting dilemma.
Well I'm not sure, Rubio would be my choice at this point although the Republicans still have a lot of talent in the race. Trump is the wild card, whatever he has tapped into is causing havoc in the race and has things under his control at this point.
On your side, you are heading for a big disappointment. Bernie is a socialist loon and doesn't have a chance. It is either wired for Hillary or someone else. Even on the liberal channels CNN, ABC,NBC, etc., no one ever even mentions his name in the context of who the next President might be. I would love to see him win the Nevada Caucus and the SC primary in a week, that would send shock waves through the DNC. But even if Hillary loses those races, Super Delegates could still keep her ahead. The fix is in.
One thing is for sure, through your liberal eyes you view the Republican candidates as "clowns" and through my conservative eyes Bernie is a "socialist loon" and Hillary a "career criminal" and I doubt our feelings will change. But in the end I will have to live with the people's vote. I'm not sure you will have the same choice, these super delegate rules by the DNC give those delegates the choice to vote for whoever they want regardless of the people's vote, and so far they have almost all gone with Hillary. Now if Bernie continues to win primaries those super delegates could be pressured to change, but so far I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see Bernie be the Democratic nominee. In a debate any of those republicans would chew him up and spit him out :-)
Republican super delegates are bound to follow the results of the primary in their state but if Trump doesn't win outright they could be powerful in a contested convention.
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