I have been traveling these past few weeks, driving across this beautiful country and had a lot of time to think. But all I can come up with is how fed up I am with the two candidates we have running to become President of this country. Out of 320 million people is this the best we can come up with?
Why have Donald Trump and (almost) Bernie Sanders received so many votes? Because the folks are angry and fed up - they are fed up with the Washington power structure not representing their votes, they are fed up with the liberal media trying to tell them how to vote, they are fed up with the cultural decline of this country, and they are fed up with the East Coast liberals thinking they are the "intellectuals" and the rest of the population are 'hayseeds' that can't think for themselves.
Well I have news for the so-called political/media power structure concentrated in the North East (and California), the folks are throwing you under the bus. I have said many times on this Blog that I am not a Trump supporter but I am a "never Hillary" supporter. Don't forget Bernie, he has also tapped into the folks that want to throw the establishment under the bus. Unfortunately he is running in a party that has a rigged primary election that planned a 'coronation' of Hillary before the election started.
Isn't it interesting that the experts thought the Republican Convention would be chaos and now (most) Republicans, (reluctantly) are starting to support Trump. At the same time it looks like the Democratic convention may be chaos and according to some polls as many as 20% of Bernie supporters may vote for Trump. Hillary is a joke and many on the democratic side believe that. Here is my feeling about this election - we know what Hillary will do as President, we don't know what Donald Trump would do, but it would have to be an improvement.
Sadly this is going to be an election where for the first time in my life most voters will be voting for who they are 'against' not who they are 'for'.
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Why does what Trump will do have to be an improvement. Congress will lock him down for four years just like they did Obama. If the Senate goes Dem, and it's very possible it will, Trump can yell, stamp his feet, call people names and threaten them but they really won't care anymore than the Republican Senate has.
My biggest worry is that Trump is so mobbed up that crime will explode under him. He's all about money and really doesn't care about anything or anyone else. He's a loose cannon, with no moral compass or any sense of personal ethics. Truly sad if he wins, and totally unpredictable outcomes.
John your comment doesn't make sense, anymore than if Hillary were elected.
I am wondering about your statement, John. It is a very close recap of Hillary’s current line of insults against Trump. Is it possible that you are fishing for a rude retort from one or more of the conservative followers on Chuck’s blog? Your opinions are highly respected, although you might consider offering some basis for your condemnation against Trump.
Would it be possible to offer your thoughts on Hillary including her illegal private email server, her alleged tens of thousands of unreported emails, or her involvement in the Clinton Foundation that would probably land the average citizen in federal criminal court? Then there is a question regarding her departure from the State Department. Was that a resignation after a bumpy term in office to prepare for the upcoming election or did she step down on an order from President Obama based on her incompetence?
Regardless of our individual preferences, the election in November will undoubtedly feature Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump. The real question here is whom are you going to vote for, Sport?
As I stated in a late reply to "The Bern III" back on April 11th, this whole election process is making me sick. What ever happened to "By the people"?!! With the ease and speed at which info flows today, I think it's time we make changes to the way we elect the POTUS. Firstly, let the candidates continue holding debates, town hall meetings, TV interviews, ads, etc. Second, do away with having caucuses as well as the electoral college...they simply are no longer needed today. Lastly, 1 vote for 1 "confirmed" citizen...no more backdoor/rigged deals. Until these things happen we will continue on this same path of nonsense. But, one things is for sure in my mind, we need to defeat Hillary at all costs. JB
The original presidential election process was anything but ‘by the people’. From the origin with George Washington up to about 1820, the POTUS was selected not elected. There were no blacks, Hispanics, Indians, females, ex-felons, or LGBT individuals involved in that process. There was a concern among the founding fathers that a populist president would give away the store. After four constitutional amendments, we ended up with our current system that is a mix of the original Federalist process with a populist primary election and part of the original Electoral College mandate.
Our electoral process is based on the Constitution with numerous amendments. It looks like an old tire with a half dozen patches on a heavy truck trying to make deliveries over a bumpy country road. The chances for retiring the old tire and replacing it with something new are near on impossible in our multicultural, politically correct society where the special interests appear to be in control rather than ‘we the people.’
For the naysayers who are upset by the surviving Republican and Democratic candidates, you have three choices, Hillary, Trump, or no vote.
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