Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why should we feel guilty?

During this campaign season everything we hear from the liberal side is negative. But the Democrats want to get elected, so why say anything good? We hear about how Americans are too affluent and wasteful, the economy is in the tank, we are using up the worlds resources and destroying the environment, we neglect the poor around the world, we're bullies....I could go on, but you begin to wonder how these people could live in a country they seem to dislike so much.

Paraphrasing Barak Obama from a recent speech, he said:
"We cannot drive our SUVs, eat all we want, and keep our thermostats at 72 degrees whether we live in the desert or the tundra, and expect the rest of the world to say that is OK. After all we use 25% of the worlds energy yet we are only 3 % of the population".

That is a statement right out of the Marxist textbook. He seems to feel that we should be responsible for the population of the rest of the world, and because many of them are not as well off as we are, we should feel guilty about our affluent way of life and start self-sacrificing.

I lived the "American dream" and find it difficult to think about this country in a negative way. Our ancestors came here with nothing, seeking freedom from traditions, religious persecution, and wanting to live in a society where their creativity and hard work could give them the opportunity to succeed regardless of their ethnic, religious, or educational background. Our forefathers designed and built this great country on a model that even with all it's faults, has proven to be the best in the history of the world.

Much of the world population wants to come to the USA, yet there is a liberal movement to paint this country in a negative way. Rather than looking at all the great things we have done in the world, liberals take every opportunity to put the country down and try to make us feel guilty.

I decided to do some research on Obama's statement:

He is correct - the USA consumes 25% of the worlds energy. He said we are 3% of the worlds population - actually it's 4.5 %. But this so called "brilliant" Harvard educated candidate needs to get his facts straight:

Yes, we use 25% of the world's energy but Obama forgot to mention that we are the most productive country in the history of the world and have pioneered most of the technological innovations in history. The USA produces 33% of the global GNP, leading our closest rival Japan, by a factor of two. In layman's terms this means we produce 33 % of the world's products and services while only using only 25% of the energy. The per capita productivity of the USA is ten times that of China.

So while practicing classic "election year politics", Senator Obama takes this positive fact and presents it in a negative way, and as something we should feel guilty about. Sorry, can't buy it.

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