Friday, June 6, 2008

Is it Liberal Time?

Now we have the presidential candidates - Barak Obama the Democrat and most liberal senator in the senate, against John McCain the (almost) Republican. Barak the brilliant orator with the "golden voice' and great personality, vs John the oratorically and personality challenged candidate. It is said that many people vote strictly on emotion, for a candidate they find "attractive". If that is the case, John McCain is in trouble because when it comes to charisma and public speaking ability this election is a no contest - Obama with his crowds of 20,000 and John with his "my friends" town hall meetings of 200 people.

It will be an interesting election because in this era of TV sound bites, busy schedules, and instant gratification, if the average person has little time to think about the election they will pick Obama in November. Especially with his "populist" message of offering something for everyone. With the "entitlement" society we now live in, he offers a very attractive message - people don't think about how these "promises" will be paid for, they just want the government to take care of them.

It will remain to be seen if people really think about the future of this country, if they do, then McCain should win. If we have another terrorist attack, or a world military problem like the Israelis attacking Iran, then maybe the young Obama "fainters" may have second thoughts when they get into the voting booth. 911 is just a memory for most US citizens, but in the event of another attack like that, I'll take John McCain in the oval 0ffice. On the other hand, with George Bush's low popularity, the unpopular Iraq war, and a slowing economy with $4.60/gallon gas, John McCain could be the Republican party's "Walter Mondale" this fall and lose in a landslide.


Michael Strickland said...

They both suck. We're doomed.

Chuckie D said...

Doomed? Well maybe not that bad, but chances are if Obama is elected, he will have a Demo House and Senate...and maybe even a filibuster proof Senate. If so hang on to your wallet, and even worse, he will load the Supreme Court with a majority of the most liberal judges which will have a negative impact on this country for a generation or two. The ACLU will be dancing in the aisles.

Michael Strickland said...

Well, some would say the Court is loaded with a majority of conservative justices now. Who's to say which is better? I'm not taking a side, just pointing out that there are two of them.