Friday, October 31, 2008

"Blood in the Streets"

I wanted to write one more blog before the election, but it seemed like everything has been said.

Then today I heard about an interview that author Erica Jong gave in Italy this week. Erica Jong is an author of many "feminist" (erotic) novels and a well known liberal who not only hates George Bush, but believes the conspiracy theory that the 911 attack was an "inside job" orchestrated by the Bush administration. I would normally not waste time writing about Erica Jong, especially since one of her best friends is our famous "patriot" Jane Fonda.

But Jong made an interesting comment during this interview. She said, "If Obama loses, there will be a second civil war in the USA, with blood in the streets". Wow...that is even worse than those of us that will be called a "racist" if Obama loses.

At this time it looks like Obama may win, but I am an optimist and I still believe the voters on Tuesday will THINK about this country and where it would go under an Obama/Pelosi/Reid administration. Even the polls this weekend seem to be changing slightly toward McCain.

But if the Democrats win; and if they take full control of the House and Senate; Republicans will not riot, and there will be no "blood in the streets". We will regroup, try to move the Republican party back to their conservative roots, and work on getting this country back on the right track; hopefully with young conservative leaders like Sarah Palin and Bobby Jendal, Governor of Louisiana. And I believe that over time, the Democrats will prove, like Jimmy Carter did, that a socialist program will never defeat the American spirit, and Conservatism will rise again.

1 comment:

lindaleeeeeeeee said...


I'm reminded of the quote by the great Ronaldus Magmus (Ronald Reagan) "Republicans think every day is the Fourth of July. Democrats think that every day is April 15th." The American spirit will live on!