Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Joe: Say it isn't so"

In 1919 "Shoeless Joe Jackson", one of the greatest baseball players in history was accused of fixing the World Series that year and was later banned from baseball for life. He was never proven to be guilty, but the phrase from his fans "Joe: say it isn't so" became part of baseball legend.

Tonight in the debate, Sarah "Barracuda" used that line against Joe Biden when he spewed more of his untrue liberal rhetoric. For us die hard baseball fans that was a beautiful "middle America" moment - I wonder who gave her that line? By all accounts Biden made many outright lies in his responses, but it landed on deaf ears. Most will agree she was the star of the show.

But more important, she erased the main stream media's image that has been created by way of "gotcha" questions and clever editing. Tonight even die hard liberals had to agree that she was "Vice Presidential" material and believe me, she knows how to relate to the pulse of this country. The Barracuda was in her element tonight, speaking directly to the American people, and she made Joe Biden look like what he is - an old entrenched typical Washington politician; and after the events of this week do we really want more of the same in Washington?

1 comment:

Michael Strickland said...

In the first McCain-Obama debate, my perception was that McCain had Obama back on his heels most of the night. The media reported the next day that it was either a tie, or Obama might have even been the winner. Last night, Palin held her own and definitely was a breath of fresh air -- making Biden look like "more of the same," as you say. Yet here we are again, this morning: the media says Biden won, and only begrudgingly admits that Palin "exceeded expectations."