Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Let the "Barracuda" swim

Sarah Palin has been getting it from all sides and I am impressed that she hasn't "caved in" or lashed out at her enemies. Her recent interview with Katie Couric was not good. Just like the Charles Gibson interview Couric seemed to be just trying to come up with questions that the "Barracuda" could not answer. That is not necessarily a bad thing; candidates need to be tough; but it seems to me these interviews should be directed toward trying to find out what kind of a person Governor Palin is.

I believe the McCain "handlers" are trying to box her in, and make her look like something she is not because they don't want her to make a mistake. She is the 44 year old governor of Alaska and of course she doesn't have much foreign policy experience. Why not say so? When Couric asked her about her foreign policy experience and she talked about how "Alaska was close to Russia", and "When Vladimir Putin flies to the USA he flies over Alaska", that was not a good response (or image) for someone that could be the next Vice President. The McCain handlers must have known that the foreign policy question would be asked, so I can only conclude that the "Russia proximity" and "Putin fly over" answers were prepared.

This is how Sarah Palin should have answered the question on foreign policy: "Katie it should be obvious to everyone that as a young Governor of Alaska I do not have a lot of foreign policy experience, especially compared to Senator Biden who has been in the congress for 22 years. But I am strong in many other areas such as energy and management experience. In this interview you should be trying to find out what kind of a person I am, what kind of an executive I am, and what kind of a leader I am. I have more executive management experience than both Senators Biden and Obama, and even though I may not be strong in certain areas like foreign policy that is not necessarily a problem. As Vice President I will most likely be surrounded with very talented people and I learn very quickly".

Let's remember that the McCain campaign was "brought back from the dead" by Sarah Palin so they should quit rehearsing her and trying to make her into just another politician.
Let the "Barracuda" swim.


Michael Strickland said...

Good blog article, but the fatal flaw is trying to apply common sense to politics. Your suggested responses for Palin to Couric (one of the worst anchors of our time) would be great in a job interview, but it's naive to expect such common sense in the political arena. That's why I'm such a cynic: I expect the best, but never get it. We're all doomed.

Michael Strickland said...

p.s. I only saw a bit of the Palin-Couric interview on YouTube. Did she really say "When Vladimir Putin flies to the USA he flies over Alaska" as if that gave her some kind of foreign policy experience? If so, then WOW.... that's just dumb. Really dumb.

Chuckie D said...

You're right about politics, but I don't think we're doomed. If some of us just keep applying common sense to politics, maybe some day the message will take hold. In the end I believe in the American public. Maybe we will go through four years of real bad stuff if the Demos get control of all three branches of the government this November. But I believe the people will "step up" in the long run.