Friday, September 5, 2008

The Anti-War Party?

Liberal Democrats pride themselves on being fiercely anti-war and violence. They tell us disagreements should be solved by debating the issues, and diplomacy. Then why are some liberal Democrat protesters so violent?

The so called "anarchists" in St. Paul for the Republican Convention protested, which is their legal right. Their protests included rioting, breaking windows, smashing cars, and generally destroying any property they encountered. They threw sand and cement bags off bridges at buses carrying Republican delegates, making a direct hit on one of the buses. They threw rocks, bags of urine, and even sprayed some delegates with water heavily laced with chlorine; a 70 year old delegate from Connecticut doused in chlorine had to be taken to the hospital. Police arrested 300 protesters, over 100 of them on felony charges. Many of the protesters wore masks, which are against the law in many states; in my opinion it should be against law everywhere in these days of terrorism. If you are proud to be a protester why not show your face for the television cameras?

This behavior is a classic example of the difference in our parties. Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, answer this question - when have you ever seen Independents, Republicans or even right wing Conservatives protest violently and destroy property? I can only conclude that these liberal morons find it difficult to protest or debate intellectually and therefore view violence and destruction as their only alternative.

During VP nominee Sarah Palin's speech, an Obama "Code Pink" female protester who had been given credentials by the media, tried to run up on the stage, but was stopped by security. Too bad this "Code Pinko" protester didn't make it onto the stage, it would have been beautiful to see the "Barracuda" close the deal in front of 38 million people.

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