Wednesday, September 3, 2008

There's blood in the water

During the last few days the liberal media have trashed Sarah Palin and her family. But if you saw her speech this evening, the "Barracuda" has smelled blood in the water and attacked. She bloodied Barack Obama with words that were real and sincere and took the Vice Presidential nomination with nothing but a signal to the left - "Let's get it on 'old boys'".

Maybe I am biased, but her speech was a knockout punch that has put the liberals on their heels.

Isn't it interesting that this election has become a battle between Obama and the "Barracuda". John McCain will speak tomorrow night, but he has no worries, the ticket already has a leader.


Michael Strickland said...

A self-described "very liberal" friend on Facebook wrote that he "wants to remind Sarah Palin that 'feisty' does not translate to 'qualified'... bring on the debates." I think that's quite funny, considering the issue of Obama's qualifications as a chief executive.

Michael Strickland said...

Damn... the more I read about this speech, the more I regret missing it. Hopefully I can find it on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, I was very pleased with Sarah Palin's speech last night. The lady has a lot going for her and I think she's just what the party and the country needs. Only time will tell.