Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Snitch on your neighbor"

The U.S. government blog website is asking you to "snitch" on your neighbor regarding the health care debate. They claim there is a lot of misinformation being spread about the Health Care Bill and they cannot track it all. So they want your help to "spy" for them and fight back against citizens who are against this bill. Here is what the White House blog says:

"If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

I snitched on this blog today. I sent an email to their blog site and told them that this blog has been spreading misinformation since it insinuated that members of Congress were voting on this 1000 page Health Care Bill without reading it. I told them I could not believe that was true. Being a loyal snitch I also told them that people were saying that even President Obama has not read this bill...can you believe people are saying that? And sadly some of these people accusing the President of not reading the bill are my friends and unfortunately I may have to report them also.

So be a loyal snitch and email the above address if you see or hear anything about this bill that seems "fishy". After all, if we can't trust our government to be truthful, who can we trust?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The next thing they will ask us to do is wear arm bands with an "O" on them and black leather trench coats...just like Germany in the late 30's and early 40's. This is totally nuts!