Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Read the G D bill!

A majority of Americans were frustrated when the monstrous Health Care bill was passed and most of us suspected that the politicians who voted for it probably never read it. The bill is 2000+ pages long. I have tried to read it and I guarantee that not one of those politicians read the complete bill. It is a bureaucratic, legal nightmare, and it would have been impossible for anyone to read it completely in the short time they had before voting. Someone once said; "A camel is a horse designed by a committee". There must have been a hundred committees that designed this Health Care bill.

We send these politicians to Washington to represent us because we think they are smart and then they behave more like moronic ideologues and "political lemmings" rather than representatives of the people.

But what is inexcusable are the recent events when the administration's key people including the President, publicly condemned the Arizona immigration bill and then in an embarrassing set of events Attorney General Holder, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and even State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley all admitted on national television that they had not read the bill - all 17 pages of it. Yet they have all condemned the bill and accused Arizona of discrimination and racial profiling, following the lead of their President.

And the main stream media are complicit by not reporting that 70% of Arizonans and 65 % of the country are in favor of this bill which explicitly prohibits racial profiling.

From the Health Care bill, to this response to the Arizona bill, it is obvious that our politicians simply have lost touch with the "main stream" of this country and I hope that in November American voters "clean house" - whether Democratic or Republican, and elect politicians that will start representing the people and move this country back toward the Republic our founders envisioned.

1 comment:

Michael Strickland said...

I have read all 17 pages, and what makes it most laughable is that the key parts that everyone is debating amount to about a paragraph or so.