Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Race for the White House begins.

Now that voting has started I have decided to bring my Blog out of hibernation (OK, I have also been lazy). But before I start commenting on election results, let's remind ourselves where we have been the past 7+ years and what we are voting for. Maybe this year Americans will finally get a chance to see where the country stands - a true Progressive (or maybe even a Socialist) against a true Conservative.  The country needs to have that vote.

 Merriam Webster; Progressive:  'of relating to, or characterized by progress'.

There was a time when people on the left called themselves 'liberals', but over time that description of their philosophy started to have a bad connotation, probably at the time of the Carter presidency. So the liberal left decided to redefine their philosophy and started calling themselves "Progressives", and over the years they were successful in convincing the American voters to elect a young, good looking junior Senator with a golden speaking voice as the first real "progressive" president. And the fact that he was the first black president was frosting on the cake; Progressives were on cloud nine.

Well, let's see how the country has "progressed" since the Obama administration took power seven years ago:

The economy
The economy has been in the doldrums for the duration of this administration averaging around 2% growth (the last quarter of 2015 was a pitiful 0.7%). The Obama administration blames it on Bush, and 'W' did leave them a mess, but folks it has been 7 years and trillions of dollars later! Some say this economic growth is the 'new norm', if that's the case this country will never have a chance of reducing our $18+ trillion debt and our kids and grand kids will inherit the mess.

We are told unemployment has come down from 10% to 5%, but the real story is the number of people who stopped looking for a job. Experts (including our man Bernie Sanders) that don't spin these numbers estimate the actual unemployment rate is 10.3 % in 2015. The labor participation rate is the lowest it has been since Jimmy Carter (another real 'Progressive'). Some of this is due to demographics (baby boomers retiring), but much of it is because there are few good jobs. But that is not the complete story - the USA is becoming a "part time" employment society.  We have the highest number of citizens working part time in our history.

And with 47 million people now on food stamps, and a dramatic increase in welfare and disability payments the USA is drifting toward becoming an "entitlement society".

Foreign Policy

The fiascoes in the Obama/Clinton/Kerry foreign policies are so numerous it is mind boggling - too many to properly cover in a blog but here is a reminder:
- Iraq: Bailing out without leaving any troops behind, opening the door for ISIS.
- Egypt: Standing back and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood while turmoil there caused us to lose a longtime ally.
Libya: Hillary Clinton's crowning achievement; encouraging the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi which has left a failed state ruled by terrorist factions including ISIS. The true story of the Benghazi fiasco is yet to be told, but Hillary just lying to the country and especially the families of the fallen Americans makes her unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief. If the reader has not seen the movie '13 Hours' I highly recommend it. The movie is not political and does not blame Hillary, the State department, or Obama, but you leave the movie embarrassed for this country when our military did not even try to assist those Americans in trouble.
- Syria:  Another absolute mess. Hillary and Obama teamed up to support the civil war to depose Assad and when it looked like Assad was going to use chemical weapons, Obama drew his 'red line'.  Assad used chemical weapons and Obama did nothing, further confirming what a feckless commander-in-chief he is. Now, who knows what is going on in Syria with several rebel factions against Assad, ISIS controlling one third of the country and the Russians bombing who knows who?
- Afghanistan: A continuing my opinion, no matter what anyone does the next few years, ten years from now this country will still be back in the seventh century. We should cut our losses and leave.
- Iran: History will determine whether or not the nuclear deal will work, but did you feel the way I did seeing our sailors kneeling down with their hands on their head? And when John Kerry 'thanked' the Iranians for releasing them it reminded me of what a weak person he is and of his actions after the Vietnam War.

I could go on about Russia annexing Crimea, terrorism throughout Africa, etc., etc.,...but to summarize Obama's foreign policy in a few words; 'the world is a mess'.

This Blog is getting too long and I could talk further about subsidized green energy, stifling regulations, deteriorating race relations, hatred of police, IRS corruption, Fast and Furious, terrorism fears, and on and on...

A recent poll shows that only 14% of Americans believe the country is moving in the right direction. If this is "moving forward", Merriam Webster has their definition of 'Progressive' wrong. I suspect the ex-liberals, who are now "Progressives" are already trying to think of a new name for their political philosophy.

But Republicans are also at fault with the mess this country is in, the 'establishment' Republicans in Washington have been a failure to the folks that elected them. After taking over the House and Senate with promises to the voters that they will take action against the Obama administration's policies they have been feckless.

Is this one of the most important elections in our history? We hear that every presidential election, but I believe it is the most important since Carter/Reagan. I hope the Republicans nominate a true Conservative so the voters can decide what kind of country they want. We know what the Democrats are offering - a Socialist or a 'closet' Socialist  (who may also be a criminal).

Here's a final thought - The Democrats and liberal media have always portrayed Republicans as the party of the 'angry white man', while they are the party of 'diversity'.  Isn't it interesting that the top four Republican candidates after the Iowa caucuses include two Latinos and an African American, while the Democrats are offering up two old, decrepit, white, career socialist's that for diversity. 


Anonymous said...

I think this is your best blog yet and right on the money as usual...nice job. I was getting a bit worried since it's been so long since you've done one of these. Let's hope America wakes-up and elects someone who can really lead this country and turn things around. We shall see. In the mean time I look forward to hearing from you again soon. - JB

Anonymous said...

You know my opinion Chuck, as I've voiced it over the past few months. I think this election will end up with "an old, decrepit, white, socialist" in the White House myself, and we will have an opportunity to see if an honest man that speaks his mind can govern with a hostile Congress. By the way Chuck, you are 76, and I don't see you as old or decrepit. You also have some good ideas, and a clear mind. Why are you, of all people, playing the age card. Why should age disqualify Sanders. It didn't seem to be an issue when John McCain was running as a Republican.

The fact is, the President only has power given him by Congress. The House controls the budget, the Senate approves his appointments. Sanders will have to work with both to govern, Democratic Socialist or not. In the remote instance that the "feckless" Congress goes Democrat, which I doubt, then there may be some radical change. One thing is certain, the Republican Party, for all of its successful executive members has not been able to field a viable candidate. All of these "diverse" candidates represent fringes of even their own Party, much less the Nation as a whole. If Sanders is elected, it will be more because the Republican Party failed, than due to his ability to mobilize the electorate. Feel the Bern Chuck, feel the Bern. John Johnston

Jim Packer said...

Just as a reminder, George W. Bush served for eight years. The economy was doing ok until the last two years of his presidency, when the Democrats took over Congress. I am so tired of hearing Obama blame all of his errors on Bush, claiming everything wrong with the world is Bush's fault. If we don't get the Democrats out of the White House, our woes will be almost beyond repair!

Chuckie D said...

John, I do "feel the Bern" and do not feel Bernie should be disqualified because of his age...heck I am a year older than him. But we are both old, let's face it..Ha ha. But seriously, he doesn't have a chance, even his own party doesn't want him. If Hillary gets indicted and has to drop out I guarantee the DNC will change the rules and come up with another candidate to make sure he doesn't win. I actually feel sorry for Bernie,the poor guy is full of energy, beating Hillary in some of the polls and still no one takes him seriously except the portion of our country that are attracted by his offer of so much 'free stuff'. His attraction to all the young people just demonstrates the success of our liberal education system that teaches kids that the country 'owes them' and government is the only answer. Maybe I'll write a blog about Bernie and give him a boost because I would love to see him beat Hillary.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you are smokin Jim, but I hope you are passing it around. The Bush (W) Presidency will probably go on record as the worst Presidency in modern history. Even his brother doesn't want to attach his name to his campaign.