Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"All Aboard the Trump Train"

For those of you that swore to leave the country if Trump becomes President, you may want to be sure your passport is updated and house ready to sell.

He has not been nominated yet, but the Trump Train is moving down the tracks toward that goal at a pretty good clip. After sweeping the Northeast, Indiana could be the deathblow for the Cruz/Kasich caboose. The so-called collusion by Cruz/Kasich is most likely a 'Hail Mary' that will have little effect. In my opinion for Cruz to team up with Kasich is like adding a proven loser to your team. Their strategy is to keep Trump from getting to 1237 delegates and then the 'establishment' can rise up and get rid of him in a contested convention...the way Trump is accumulating delegates that may be wishful thinking and the race could be over by then.

But there is still hope for you Trump haters, the experts say Hillary will destroy him in the general election, so don't put that house on the market yet. But I remind you that there were 16 Republican competitors, all the political experts, and conservative Republicans like myself that thought at the beginning Trump was just a 'flash in the pan' and doomed to extinguish quickly. Well here we are, and the 'flash' has turned into a wildfire that may burn all the way to Cleveland.

I am still not a Trump fan but he is a Phenom that has turned the political scene upside down and has the establishment wondering what the hell happened. I cannot imagine this country electing someone as disgusting as Hillary Clinton as our leader, and I am sure the Trump haters feel the same about him. How did we get here with these two people?

Hillary and her team are very confident and salivating at the thought that Trump will be the Republican challenger in the general election..."be careful what you wish for".  



Anonymous said...

Chuck -

Your best analysis yet.

All the best. Olav Vangstad

collin.breen said...

Has there ever been more of a "lose-lose" situation than this? Unreal.

Chuckie D said...

Well Collin what can I say, at least we know that Hillary is dishonest, a liar, in the pocket of many special interests (including foreign ones),and would be a disaster for this country. Trump, I don't know? But for myself I will never vote for Hillary Clinton.

But tonight I am mostly upset that Chris Paul and Blake are out for the Clippers postseason.

Unknown said...

What nobody seems to recognize is that Trump "is" Hillary, but without any political Capital. That will all be clear in the first 100 days, should he win.

Bob Catalano said...

Wow, JJ, do I read a crack in your liberal perspective? Sanders can no longer be taken seriously, so your candidate is essentially out of the race. I listened to the Trump statement on CNN and he sounded much more presidential. His bombastic style was still there, which seems to be his trademark. What really caught my attention was right after Trump declared himself the presumptive Republican candidate and laid into Hillary ripping her up one side and down the other.

Trump made a brilliant statement that he would do more for women in America than Hillary. That is sure to resonate across the nation with the potential to knock out one of Hillary’s main talking points. Those of us, myself included, with early heartburn associated with the Trump candidacy need to take a fresh look at Donald Trump.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Catalano said...

Apparently so, John. To quote your statement, Trump “is” Hillary, runs counter to your rather insulting retort. The terms liberal and conservative are common and fairly well understood. My point was only intended as a comment on the fact that Bernie Sanders is no longer a viable Democratic candidate.

I went on from there to offer my comments on the Donald Trump victory speech that was excellent in my humble opinion and the essence of my statement. I wonder if I have mentioned to you that I happen to be a registered Democrat…and that is another rhetorical question. You are certainly welcome to scratch my name off your list of enlightened minds, which happens to be another label.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, Donald Trump will do more for the USA than H. Clinton could ever do. D. Trump was not my first choice but he will get my vote over the crook. Hopefully, this election will also streamline the republican and democratic parties so whoever gets the most votes wins. I think the nation has outgrown the need for delegates.

Cheers from Singapore

Nighthawk said...

I consider being labeled insulting Bob. Hillary was not the subject of the sentence, she was a reference. I could have used any sociopathic, lying, conniving, thief, but she is clearly recognized as such. My point is that it doesn't matter which of them you elect, the public doesn't really know what they will do until they get into office. Trump is a narcissistic, lying, conniving, thief.....not much difference. She will be more effective, certainly not a good thing, because she knows how to work with the system and has political Capital. He does not, is universally disliked by the system, and is not apparently open to learning. I suspect he will be symbolically walled up by Congress for 4 years, he will get frustrated, lose interest, and spend his time in Florida playing golf. Too bad Mattis or Powell aren't interested.

Nighthawk said...

I hope for the outcome you speculate will happen. Party's do not serve the public interest and our communication systems obsolete the electoral college and the primary system. It's time to publicly fund the campaigns, no private money allowed, including super PACs, and just use the popular vote after a few months of public debates.

Chuckie D said...

My major concern is the Supreme Court. Any ultra left wing judge there could be a generational problem. We don't know what kind if judge Trump would nominate, but we know what Hillary would do,right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook.

After looking at the final results from last night you cannot argue with success; Trump won every county in every state.

Nighthawk said...

What a statement it makes about our political process and choices that one possible candidate, Trump, has been indicted for fraud and is facing multiple civil lawsuits for the same action; and the other possible candidate is potentially facing an indictment for treason. The only honest man in the race, is apparently losing traction because the large block of illiterate, semi-literate, and reactionary voters have been defrauded by both of the others. Either a revolution is about to occur, or we are facing another four years of a do nothing Government.

Nighthawk said...

Chuck, in a Trump vs Clinton race, she will win. He will be the candidate of the minority Party and sadly, she will carry the election in a landslide. The Senate may also fall, and then you "will" get a Saul Alinsky judge. It's stupid of McConnell not to take the opportunity currently on the table, but he hasn't ever shown much intelligence as the leader of the Senate, why change now. His entire legacy can be summed up in one word.....No.

Nighthawk said...

Anybody can write a good speech, espousing anything. Surely in debates in high school or college you were tasked to support a position you didn't agree with. It's a common method of teaching creative thought. If I diametrically changed my positions with a few writings on Chucks Blog, would you believe me? I hope not. So why does any speech that contradicts Trumps prior acts have any weight? You know when both Trump and Hillary are lying because their lips are moving.

Chuckie D said...

John in your comments you purport to be an 'expert' on how Trump will perform as President. Where did you get this expertise? It sounds like your liberal ideology may be shining through because I suspect you have no more idea what kind of President Trump will be that anyone else that reads this Blog.

Unknown said...

Once again you misread my comment Bob, and you are correct, my retort was insulting. I apologize and have corrected it.

My initial comments had nothing to do with Hillary. You might want to consider dropping the use of Labels my friend. Labels are the refuge of people that don't take the time to really understand another persons complete personal philosophy, and they only serve to polarize a discussion. The term Liberal and Conservative are useless labels to an enlightened mind. Very few people are "one dimensional". I know people that support abortion, believe in God, are quite wealthy and don't believe in welfare or Social Security, abhor war, believe in LGBT and women's equality causes, and espouse many other apparent contradictions. I choose my Party based on the person I want to vote for because our system requires it. I've registered as a Republican, a Democrat and an Independent. Political Parties are irrelevant to me.

Unknown said...

Chuck, I just look at what he has actually done and said over his public career spanning 50+ years, and compared it to what he is saying now. Nothing matches up. He also was a Clinton supporter for many years when they were in power. His God is money, and he covets power and attention. He can't deal reasonably with criticism or opposing opinions. As to me being an expert....no more than anyone else on the list, less so than some. The reality is that none of our opinions matter in this election anyway. We have all been disenfranchised by the corrupt system we have allowed to exist. Whatever happens, we are getting what we deserve.

Bob Catalano said...

A little review of Civics-101 might be in order to better understand our horse and buggy presidential electoral process. The whole system is based on the premise that the populace is incompetent or incapable of selecting a quality president. That is a historical factor, not a current day political statement. Our current two party system developed well after the Constitution was written, so there are constitutional factors cast in bronze and political party factors wrapped in straw. The electoral process with delegates choosing the party candidates and the Electoral College choosing the President after the popular election is not going to change without a serious Constitutional Convention. It will not be wise to hold one’s breath until that happens.

Unknown said...

Agreed. We are stuck with what we have.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure that the comment on the ignorant populous is entirely correct. If I dimly recall my Civics 101, going back over 55 years, the main reason for the electoral college was because transportation and logistics for managing a general election in such a vast country, with poor roads (no electronic communications & telegraph not having been invented), the logistics and security of thousands of paper ballots to be moved, etc.....made it more practical to elect a smaller number of representatives, based on population (I believe), to cast the vote. They were all selected in the local election, jumped on a horse and rode to the Capitol for the electoral college session.