Friday, April 8, 2016

"Feel the Bern III"

Finally the 'gentle geezer' is attacking Hillary. Unfortunately it may be too late, who knows where his campaign might be if earlier he had brought up the email scandal, the Clinton Foundation "pay for play" scandals, and her trust factor which is a negative among a majority of American voters.

Bernie is a lot of things; great campaigner, energetic, honest, and he really believes his idea of a socialist utopia would work...he can't explain how it would work, but he believes it. But for someone who has been in politics for 25 years he is naive about the rough and tumble aspect of politics, especially going up against a Clinton.

When Bernie in the first debate against Hillary said: "Forget the emails. I'm not interested in that".   At that point I thought to myself, 'he has lost the election'. Going against the Clintons you need to be tough, aggressive, and yes, downright dirty because that's how they play. Believe me if Bernie would ever pull even or get ahead of her they would roll out the dirt, and they probably have a lot on Bernie even if it is made up.

Hillary is controlled by the Wall Street and Corporate structure in this country and he has been hitting her hard on that. But her 'Achilles heel' is the scandals and 'trustworthy' issue which he has avoided. He should have been attacking her on those issues from the beginning and would probably have a real chance right now. But the numbers (and especially with the Super delegates) indicate his chances are probably nil at this point. He may be a nice guy trying to sell a 'utopian society that provides free stuff for everyone', but without a miracle in this primary, history will look at him as just an asterisk  in American politics, particularly since he had done very little in his first 25 years as a public servant. 


Nighthawk said...

Well, today Bernie and HC locked arms, apologized as much as a politician can, and sang kumbya. I think it's refreshing to have candidates discussing the issues rather than slandering each other, and their spouses. Both also committed to support the other if they got the nod.

Contrast that with the two Republicans, one of whom is threatening to start a riot if he doesn't get the nomination, and 30% of the followers of both Cruz and Trump say they won't vote for the opponent if he wins. The other astounding number is 10% of Republicans say they will cross over to the Democrat candidate rather than vote for their candidates Republican opponent. That's an unheard of level of polarization in the RP.

You need to do some deeper research on Bernie, Chuck. He's been involved in a number of pieces of key legislation, as well as voted against a number of things that you and I both opposed, such as the war in Iraq, the Bank bailout, etc.

His relatively clean, issue driven campaign has also taken him from relative obscurity to a contender for the Democrat nomination. Not bad in a year, and all that against the dirtiest campaign organization in politics....the Clintons. He has forced her to run a clean campaign, with her major weapon being sarcasium. I think he's done quite well and time will tell if it's enough.

Bob Catalano said...

Is it possible that Hillary and the fossil have come to some kind of agreement after exchanging shallow personal insults for a little while? What might that be, pray tell? Could it be a vice presidency for the number two candidate when Hillary wins the election over the candidate selected during the Republican convention that may not be Trump or Cruz. Could it be that Hillary and Bernie have decided to play nice and wait to see whether or not the Republican establishment is going to shoot themselves in the foot during their convention and bring out a candidate of the Party’s choice and not the people’s choice and thereby dump Trump and the election.

Unknown said...

I doubt that Bob. HC won't settle for second seat; and, at his age, this is Bernie's only shot at the Presidency. He has a better spot in the Senate if he doesn't get the nod. I think the DNC told them to zip it, and they did.

Chuckie D said...

Nighthawk you can't honestly say that Bernie has been involved in a number of key pieces of legislation in his career? As far as I could determine he sponsored two pieces of legislation that were passed in his 25 years - getting a raise for veterans and renaming a post office in Vermont. Other than that, as a so-called 'Independent' he voted lockstep with the Democrats for 25 years...that doesn't sound very Independent to me. Wow what a record of accomplishment. Yes,he has gone from relative obscurity to Democrat contender by offering voters (mostly uneducated millennials) a package of 'free stuff' that he could never possibly deliver.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Bernie Sanders shows up for work and has for ~25 years. He votes, and that is his #1 job, and based on those votes he actually reads the legislation he votes on. That is certainly more than Marco Rubio did during his tenure, and also more than many other Congressmen of either Party do. Submitting bills written by lobbiests, or those mandated by the Party Leadership, or trading favors with other Congressmen is commonplace these days. He seems to work the system as it was meant to be worked, and I think he deserves a bit more respect than you are giving him. As to being a Democrat, he's a far better man as an Independent that Caucasus with the Democrats, than either Cruz or Trump.

I'll leave you with this on the subject Chuck. "Each morning we are born again. what we do today is what matters most." Buddha

Chuckie D said...

I don't even think Buddha could get Bernie elected. :-)

Anonymous said...

This whole election process is making me sick. What ever happened to "By the people"?!! With the ease and speed at which info flows today, I think it's time we make changes to the way we elect the POTUS. Firstly, let the candidates continue holding debates, townhall meetings, TV interviews, ads, etc. Second, do away with having caucuses as well as the electoral college...they simply are no longer needed today. Lastly, 1 vote for 1 "confirmed" backdoor deals. JB